Did you hear Jw's swear?

by highdose 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • VIII

    I spoke to my ardent JW mom yesterday.

    Her--"That MotherF&cking azzhole hasn't paid me yet." She went on to curse and call someone, non-JW a few more names.

    We chatted and hung up. I never said a word to her about her language. In front of other JWs, she is a picture of demureness. In front of family, she is like a character from the Soprano's. One of the men.

    I learned every curse word I know from her. And I know some really dirty words.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Do JWs curse? Ask anyone who's spent time in the Bethel pressroom or bindery!

  • WTWizard

    I have heard it rarely--even the F word. However, the viewpoint is that you are supposed to feel horrible after saying a dirty word.

  • trueblue

    Do JWs curse? Ask anyone who's spent time in the Bethel pressroom or bindery!


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I cussed from about the age of 5 or 6 regularly. I tried not to in front other JW’s. Once I told a kid who was a study to fu*K off. He told and I had a meeting in the back room with the elders. I was about 16 and had been baptized for a few years so I needed to be more “exemplary.”

    My mom – uberJW – would call me a “little shit” when I would do something wrong and she was mad but trying to be funny in a way. She used that word a lot. I said Hell once in front of her and she flipped. I said "Hell is no where near as bad as shit." She said “Yes it is!” That’s about when I started to realize she was a bit of a hypocrite like every other JW.

    I love to cuss. I won’t cuss in front of some people or at work in front of a home owner or client unless I hear them do it first. It’s a great stress reliever.

  • Fed-up

    Blondie: "It's not that jws cuss, is that they pretend they don't." exactly!

    and you can Fill in the blank "It's not that jws ________, is that they pretend they don't". Just fill in the blank. Guaranteed there are a bunch out there pretending not to!

  • Wasanelder Once
  • LisaRose

    When my daughter was two, she said damn it in front of my uber conservative mother. I don't know where she heard that My mother says "Jehovah doesn't like that word." My daughter says "Jehovah doesn't, but I do, damn it, damn it, damn it.

  • nugget

    yes it was usually me.

  • Apognophos

    Besides myself, nah. I never heard more than PG language from other Witnesses.

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