Do we want an honest discussion about facts or not?
Truth is perceived by the believer in Good vs Evil as a BINARY mode.
There is no sort-of to Sin or Death.
These consist of EITHER vs OR.
Is it any wonder the Israelites practices were kosher when they avoided the "other" on planet Earth?
Even the concept of ONE true god automatically creates the binary: false gods!
Christians slammed hard into Jesus as a Greek modality of pagan plurality which splintered the neo/proto christianity into sects/divisions/heresies.
Who really is, then, the HERETIC? Why, he is the OTHER guy.
The greatest obstacle to fealty, brotherhood and solidarity in Christianty started with DEFINING CHRIST. Christianity SPLIT into Rome vs
Constantinople (Catholic vs Orthodox) christianity. All because of homoiousios vs homoousios.
The terms homoiousios and homoousios mean "similar essence" and "same essence." They were part of a controversy in Christianity during the 4th century when people disagreed over the nature of Jesus Christ and his relationship to God.
According to those who adopted homoiousios, Jesus was not the same as God but simply had a "similar essence." According to those who argued for homoousios, the doctrine which was eventually adopted as orthodoxy, Jesus and God had the exact same essence.
The West (Roman Catholic) defined Christ as TRINITY and orthodoxy of belief punished any who had differing opinion.
What is this but intolerance for the view of the OTHER?
There was only one TRUE church (Catholic) until Martin Luther declared different.
Luther blindly opined a doctrine of Sola Scriptura (by the Bible alone) would Truth unite Christianity.
Instead, Protestantism birthed thousands of warring, surly, disagreeable denominations still with us today.
Every opinion (interpretation) is based on THE BIBLE which HAS NO POINT OF VIEW because it is an amalgam of layers of differning opinions passed
The New Testament gives us layers of human Jesus overlaid with demi-god Jesus overlaid with Divine Jesus topped off with the cherry of
Constantine's Nicene Jesus who is a triumvirate (pagan style) of Trinity.
Which one is the real Jesus? ALL OF THEM. Which one is True? None of them!
You can't blame Jehovah's Witnesses for joining the game of button buttom who's got the button. (Substitute "only true religion" for button.)
It has always been played.