by Albert Einstein 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    US schoolboy anointed as reincarnation of Buddhist high priest

    Friday, 30 October 2009

    A US schoolboy has been anointed in India as the reincarnation of a Buddhist high priest who died over 750 years ago.

    Jigme Wangchuk, from Boston, is now revered by hundreds of thousands of followers in Nepal, Bhutan and India after taking up residence as the rinpoche, or high priest, of the Drukpa Sangag Choeling Monastery in Darjeeling, West Bengal.

    The 11 year old from St Peter's School in Boston has been given the title of His Holiness the Second Galwa Lorepa, head of the Drukpa sect. The first Galwa Lorepa died in Tibet in 1250.

    Although he misses his family, he said it was an honour to be a rinpoche.

    "It's a big transition," Jigme told Indian newspaper the Hindustan Times. "I do miss being a cheerful schoolboy. I miss my home, my grandparents, aunts and uncles. But being a rinpoche is a great honour."

    His parents migrated to the US from the Indian town of Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh 20 years ago. When visiting the Kagyu Nalanda Monastery in the south Indian city of Mysore in 2007, Jigme reportedly began narrating his past life as if in a trance.

    He had spoken of a past life before, his mother Dechen said, but the family did not take him seriously.

    She said: "He used to always talk of his past life, but we did not take it seriously, dubbing it as a child's fantasies."

    Jigme was initiated into priesthood after his narration was verified by other senior lamas or priests.

    The family have sold their restaurant in Boston and moved to Darjeeling, where his sister Tashi Norzum, 10, will continue studying. His family live in the city but not at the monastery with Jigme.

    "It has been a very difficult period for us over the past two years," his mother said. "I have been crying for the past five months, but have at last come to terms with it."

    The new rinpoche will spend his time in monastic study at the monastery in Darjeeling, but said he would keep in touch with friends over the internet.

    "My parents will keep visiting me here, and I will keep in touch with my friends through email."

  • Elsewhere

    In all fairness... they are no more crazy than any other pathological delusion.

  • Newborn

    I tend to think so, yes

  • Alwayshere


  • PSacramento

    This thread could just as easily ask:

    Are all sports fan just crazy?

    Are all CEO's just crazy?

    Are all politicians just crazy?

    Etc, etc.

    Fact is, in everything there are indeed "crazies", they are the extermists but that are also the minority.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Sorry PSacramento, but do you really want to compare adult people cheering at a sport game with a little kid who was convinced by adults he is "reincarnation of a Buddhist high priest Galwa Lorepa who died over 750 years ago".... quit school, left family, moved to a temple in Darjeeling, and just to sit there and being worshipped?

    After 10 years they will kick him out (because they would find another poor kid "reincarnation") and Galwa Lorepa will go back to US.

    What he will put in his CV when will be applying for a job? From 12 - 22 I was worshiped as reincarnation of Galwa Lorepa ...

    I really think this is a crime.


  • leavingwt
  • MissingLink

    It helps to think of them as "crazy". The only other alternative is "evil".

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Reincarnation may actually happen... we're still here aren't we?

  • beksbks

    LWT!! He's one of my favorite characters of all time.

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