I told my wife I will start pioneering next month ...

by Albert Einstein 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    ... if she will prove me from the Bible accuracy of 1914. And I stressed I really mean it.

    We had one of the usual evening discussions and this was the result.

    She said she is not ready for this and must do some preparation and aditional study (which is funny for somebody raised up in a hard-core JW family, baptized over 25 years, who spent over a decade in regular pioneering, reads WT for hours every week and have brought several people into JW cult...)

    But OK, she pulled out several publications and is doing her preparation now and tonight we will have the discussion.

    To motivate her I told her:

    1) If you will be succesfull I will go to preach to everybody in our street about 1914/607 during my pioneering

    2) You will be the first one in the world, so probably you will become famous...

    So friends, keep your fingers crossed for me tonight....


  • wantstoleave

    Good luck...lol!

  • stillin

    do you actually QUALIFY?!!! The standards are so unreachably high, your persoanal value must be so impeccable and above ANY suggestion of reproach, it's a wonder that there are ANY pioneers. Are you truly EXEMPLARY? Is there anything that you can think of that might disqualify you from pioneering and being the tower of strength that the weak ones in the congregation can all look up to? hmmm?

  • wozza

    Don't do it ! It's a JW trap .......thats the new way to motivate pioneering

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    do you actually QUALIFY?!!!

    I hope so.... in past 5 months I was 3 times at a meeting (just for the talk) and didnt report field service just for a year...

    What do you think... Do I???


  • wobble

    Good luck Alberto ,

    With the pioneering !

    I am sure your good lady will be able to prove it to you, just like the different Elders and Dubs I have asked to prove the special choosing by Jesus of the FDS in 1919.

    OOPS ! NONE of them have come back to me !



  • stillin

    I bet your wife will count the return visit and study that she's conducting with you. You...you UNBELIEVER!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You're lucky.

    My JWs don't accept my challenges.

    Good luck


  • insearchoftruth
    I am sure your good lady will be able to prove it to you, just like the different Elders and Dubs I have asked to prove the special choosing by Jesus of the FDS in 1919.

    I asked an elder from my wife's congo this question and he has not called me or spoken to me since.....I must be labeled.....not sure.

  • Georgiegirl

    I mean this in all sincerity, but she really is slightly delusional. With your record, does she SERIOUSLY even think you could pioneer? I'm surprised she is jumping through the hoops!!! Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

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