From Noah's Ark to Australia - Awake! Jan. 8, 1969 pp. 5-8

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So, how did the kangaroos get from Noah's ark to Australia? I'd never found any references in Watchtower litteratrash, until I stumbled upon this farticle "From Noah's Ark to Australia" in the 1969 Awake bound volume. Most of it is wordy and rather pointless, so I only typed two middle subheadings for consideration:

    Settling in Suitable Areas
    Nor is it true that the isolation of the same species in widely separated areas induces independent and diverse evolution. We find, for instance, that the alligator is isolated in two widely separated pockets: Florida in the United States, and the Yangtze River in China. But they have not evolved differently. Both are still simply alligators. Not even the most rash evolutionist would argue that they had evolved along identical lines by accident.

    The alligator settled in these places because the environment suited its requirements. That is true for other species as well. It is this that makes the camel prefer the desert regions, the mountain goat the rocky hills. Similarly the walrus, manatee, yak and numerous other animals instinctively settle where conditions best favor survival. So too the Australian marsupials--the environment in Australia ideally suits them.

    What is it about Australia that is so suited to the kangaroo and other members of his family? This: Australia is, for the most part, arid. That suits the kangaroo because he prospers on little or no water. By day he hides in the shade. By dusk and by night he grazes. Body liquids are obtained from the grasses and leaves he eats. Just as certain plants and animals thrive in the desert, each one by its own method of securing and conserving moisture, so too the kangaroo in the arid parts of Australia.

    How Did They Reach Australia? If the marsupial in Australia are not the product of a particular king of evolution, then how did they get to Australia? If Noah's ark deposited its valuable cargo of human and animal life in what is now eastern Turkey, then how is it that we find the marsupials of Australia so far removed from that area, even granting that Australia nicely supplies their needs? How did they travel so far? How did they cross the Indian or Pacific Ocean, since there is no land bridge over these waters to Australia today?

    Disembarking from Noah's ark, man, the most versatile and adaptable of earth's creatures, evetually spread out and settled widely different areas. There was hardly an environment or climate to which man did not adapt himself, even though that environment or climate may not have been especially suited to him.

    However, different types of animals wandered on until they located a habitat that most suited them. Some, like the oxen, settled widely because its needs were met in many places. Others, like the alligator, settled in areas far apart. Still others, whose needs were more exacting, settled in a single area where alone they could subsist. Individual animals, or groups, of any kind failing to discover their proper environment perished and provided the fossils found far removed from living members of their kind.

    This urge to migrate in search of an acceptable domicile is very common. The book Marvels and Mysteries of Our Animal World tells of many migrations, such as egrets from Asia into the United States, moose into Canada and Alaska, North American muskrats into Europe, possums into Canada, coyotes into New York, and cod into Iceland's waters--all far from their usual habitat. This source concludes: "Thus, while man ponders his chances of colonizing space, many forms of wildlife are reaching out to find new habitats on this old planet of ours." Thus, is it not reasonable to conclude that the animals released from Noah's ark would have instinctively set out in search of the kind of environment that suited their needs?

    But how, you may protest, could animals such as the marsupials cross the oceans separating Australia from the other continents? There are sound reasons for believing they had no need to cross oceans. Recently the American research ship, the Oceanographer, was off Australia's west coast checking the continental shelf. Its objective was to find evidence for or against the theory of shifting continents. This is the belief that at one time all the continents were united, but have since drifted apart.

    Scientific American of April 1968 reports: "After years of debate many lines of evidence now favor the idea that the present continents were once assembled into two great land masses." It also states: "There is also strong evidence for a juncture between Australia and India." Even after these land masses separated, for a time there were probably land bridges that connected different areas, such as a bridge between Siberia and Alaska, and no doubt one between Asia and Australia. The string of islands and shallow seas stretching from Malaya and embracing Indonesia and New Guinea could have comprised a wide land bridge where the crossing to Australia was made.

    After reading this, are you now really convinced that Noah's ark really had Kangaroos that really hopped from Turkey to Australia?

    Can anyone spot any flaws of fact or logic in these paragraphs?

    I wonder why they have never reprinted these troothz in later Botchtower publicraptions?

  • VM44

    One problem, due to their special dietary requirements the koalas would have died off before they could cross the mountains and the supposed land bridges crossing over to Australia.

  • metatron

    Oh, it's completely believeable. Once upon a time, there were two kangaroos, two wombats, two platlypuses, etc. in Turkey.

    and they hopped and hopped and hopped and hopped across India and Iran and other places and finally thru Indonesia. The koala bears climbed from one eucalyptus tree to another in an unbroken line of trees across most of Asia.

    and they were very very tired when they got to Sydney but very glad to be 'home'. "Brigham" the Emu announced, "this is the place" and they all were very happy and ate Vegemite sandwiches.


  • OnTheWayOut

    However, different types of animals wandered on until they located a habitat that most suited them. ...Individual animals, or groups, of any kind failing to discover their proper environment perished and provided the fossils found far removed from living members of their kind.

    What a poor God these animals had. Some found their ideal habitat, some adapted well, others just wandered and never found the ideal place to live and went extinct. What a waste of space on the ark. The author of Genesis should have invented a line or two that explains how God just "put them" where they belong. Oh, that would assume that the writers knew there were animals across the ocean, or that they were writing to be taken literally. Nevermind.

    And the continents being joined- why that was a bit more than 5000 years ago, quite a bit. These guys cannot have it both ways. They would have it said that the mountains were formed by the massive pressures on the land after the flood, then they would use the science of continental drift to explain the kangaroos in isolation. I'm surprised they didn't just put them on a boat with aboriginal Australians. What a joke.

  • Leolaia

    In the '80s, the Society did a rethink of their creationism. Perhaps owing to the failure of 1975 (which was rooted in the idea that each creative day lasted 7,000 years), they dropped the old idea that the six creative days lasted only 42,000 years and opened themselves up to the possibility that geologic time is as long as scientists have said it was. And this new position allowed them to criticize YECs more effectively:

    *** g83 3/8 p. 14 Creationism—Is It Scientific? ***

    It was this aspect of the creationists’ thesis, tied to their doctrine of recent creation, that got the spotlight in the trial and in the news about it. Their teaching that the earth and even the universe are less than 10,000 years old contradicts all the findings of modern science. They are so far out of step that they invite ridicule from scientists.

    Geologists can point to their measurements of geologic processes that extend far beyond that narrow time frame. Ocean sediments have accumulated over far more than 10,000 years. The time to build mountains and wear them down is measured in millions of years. For continents to drift apart and form oceans takes hundreds of millions of years. To say that all of this goes back only 10,000 years is simply absurd in the eyes of geologists.

    But in the 1960s and 1970s they were claiming exactly what they are here critiquing (the article in the OP is a good case in point). We also read in a 1968 Awake!:

    *** w68 7/15 p. 421 Was There an Earthwide Flood? ***

    What tremendous changes occurred in earth’s surface with the fall of this vast canopy of water! This immense weight of water apparently caused a shifting and buckling of earth’s relatively thin crust. Thus, new mountains were thrust upward, old mountains rose to new heights, shallow sea basins were deepened and new shorelines were established.

    But because their belief in a global Flood requires the highest mountains to be covered by the floodwaters, they must still maintain "creationist" views about the recent post-Flood formation of mountains and ocean basins, ideas labelled "absurd" in the 1983 Awake!.

    *** gm chap. 8 [1989] pp. 112-113 pars. 31-32 Science: Has It Proved the Bible Wrong? ***

    For the Flood to have happened, the pre-Flood sea basins would have to have been shallower, and the mountains lower than they are now. Is this possible? Well, one textbook says: "Where the mountains of the world now tower to dizzy heights, oceans and plains once, millions of years ago, stretched out in flat monotony. . . . The movements of the continental plates cause the land both to rear up to heights where only the hardiest of animals and plants can survive and, at the other extreme, to plunge and lie in hidden splendor deep beneath the surface of the sea." Since the mountains and sea basins rise and fall, it is apparent that at one time the mountains were not as high as they are now and the great sea basins were not as deep.

    What happened to the floodwaters after the Flood? They must have drained into the sea basins. How? Scientists believe that the continents rest on huge plates. Movement of these plates can cause changes in the level of the earth’s surface. In some places today, there are great underwater abysses more than six miles [more than 10 km] deep at the plate boundaries. It is quite likely that—perhaps triggered by the Flood itself—the plates moved, the sea bottom sank, and the great trenches opened, allowing the water to drain off the land.

    Flip-flop, anyone?

  • cantleave

    So the continental separtions must have only occurred 6000 years ago after the flood. I thought earthquakes were a sign of the last days. Image the seismic activity if the continents moved apart that quickly.

    What a load of ill conceived BS.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It's hard to know where to even start addressing errors. So, how about this part of the first paragraph?

    We find, for instance, that the alligator is isolated in two widely separated pockets: Florida in the United States, and the Yangtze River in China. But they have not evolved differently. Both are still simply alligators.

    No, they aren't both "simply alligators". Although the Chinese and American alligators are of the same genus with many similarities, they are not the same species. The Chinese is much smaller, fuller body armor, and on the critically endangered list. They aren't identical animals in different locations, they are different species. So, Noah would have had to bring both Chinese alligators and American alligators on the ark. And the alligators would have had to travel from Turkey to find their respective homes in China and America... or die trying.

    Not even the most rash evolutionist would argue that they had evolved along identical lines by accident.

    Evolutionists wouldn't have to argue that they evolved along identical lines. They are from the same family and genus with shared parentage, but evolved differently after isolation on separate continents.


  • cantleave

    Australia is, for the most part, arid. That suits the kangaroo because he prospers on little or no water.

    Strangely enough it can thrive wetter, more temperate climates as well, such as the escapees that have survived and formed small colonies in the UK.

  • cantleave

    If the marsupial in Australia are not the product of a particular king of evolution, then how did they get to Australia? If Noah's ark deposited its valuable cargo of human and animal life in what is now eastern Turkey, then how is it that we find the marsupials of Australia so far removed from that area, even granting that Australia nicely supplies their needs?

    More to the question, why don't find marsupials in Yurket and the surrounding areas where they could find still find suitable conditions in which to live? Also, Why are there so many Marsupials in Australia occupying the same ecological niches as similar non marsupial mammals in other geopgraphical regions?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    "Is this possible? Well, one textbook says: ..."

    Any guess as to what that "one textbook" was and what they left out of the quote? I'm guessing the book explained that the mountains rose millions of years ago, not a few thousand years ago after Noah's arkride, as Botchtower would try to convince the poor, misled reader.

    As if the quote isn't obscure enough, the following sentences include, " is apparent... They must have... It is quite likely that—perhaps..." Yeah, and they criticize anybody that believes in Santa.

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