2 Questions For AGuest : )))

by snowbird 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'll give you the misspelling. But that's the extent of my generosity.

  • snowbird


    That's why Alabama is 8-0, while Arkansas is 4-5.

    Nah, nah, nah, nah ...


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You didn't read my link, did you.

  • snowbird

    I read it. Unconvinced.

    What's the usual punctuation that concludes an interrogative?

    You're falling down on the job, Doe Boy.


  • AGuest

    are cracking me UP!! Peace to you BOTH!!

    Syl - You are quite welcome, but I have to ask you to give the thanks to the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and to His Son, the Holy Spirit and HOLY One of Israel, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Again, I don't know this stuff, truly! And, yes, I DO understand the privilege... and take it VERY seriously! So all praise is due to them.

    With that said, I bid you both peace! So, now, play "nice", children!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • betweenworlds

    Snowbird: This video should clear up any confusion regarding who's who


  • snowbird

    BTW, I can't view videos at work.


  • betweenworlds

    Oh bummers! Well you'll have to take a peek when u get home. It's pretty darn funny ^^

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    What's the usual punctuation that concludes an interrogative?

    That wasn't an interrogative, my dear.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Each nature (divine, angelic, human, or animal) is defined as the possession of certain essential attributes. "Power" and "position" are not attributes, for although a human (for example) might have more power or a higher position, yet all are humans, in possession of the identical attributes of humanity.

    Brash-Bonsall lists these as the minimum essential self attributes of the divine nature, that "make God to be god". In reading this list, recognise that while each may be individually identified, they also exist in any combination (such as, for example: "eternal-infinite-love").

    1. Omniscience (knowing everything)

    2. Omnipresence (being everywhere)

    3. Omnipotence (being all powerful)

    4. Transcendence (being apart from the universe, i.e., everything else that exists, and infinitely superior to it).

    5. Unchangeability (or Immutability)

    6. Self-existence (or Immortality)

    7. Infinity

    8. Infinite and absolute Holiness

    9. Wisdom, and

    10. Love.

    These make God to be God.

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