Why do apostates never go back to the JW's?

by highdose 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Amen, Isaac.


  • jookbeard

    AE care to reveal any more scriptures where Jesus commands his disciples to go from house to house? there must be many tucked away

  • isaacaustin

    Now AE, would you beleive Jesus own words on how he preached? He said in John 18: 19 And so the chief priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and about his teaching. 20 Jesus answered him: “I have spoken to the world publicly. I always taught in a synagogue and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret.

    Do you beleive Jesus?? I quoted from the New World MisTranslation.

  • JWoods

    Not only does the re-jiggering of that verse reveal that the WT does not much care about translational honesty, it also speaks volumes about their stubborn motives in making their members go and irritate an unwilling public at their front doors.

    The true motive is demonstrably NOT to make recruits. The motives are (still) book and magazine sales and distribution, along with a most convenient means of control over the members and a ready-made metric on how hard each member is working month by month.

  • isaacaustin

    Seriously Angel Eyes, looking honestly you will see Acts 5:42 is not endorsing the door to door ministry as done by JWs.

    Do you feel this is scripturally precedented? I agree it is not banned scripturally, but do you honestly feel the Bible defines HOW we must preach or does it simply tell us to preach?

    I would really like an open, thought out answer here. I am trying to have a reasonable discussion on this.



    I-R-A Dum-Dum!!..

    I needed a good laugh..

    Now I can Laugh at me..


  • snowbird


    You are no dummy!

    Funny, yes.

    Dummy, no.


  • jookbeard

    also JWoods Dub child abusers and those of them with paedophile tendencies without CRB checks are being allowed to go out on this door knocking work. Just think if your or mine family had a pool party for our lovely kids and 2 Dubs (perhaps even convicted abusers who have served time or are RI'ed) were sniffing around the neighbourhood under the guise of doing door knocking looking at our kids? it turns my stomach the thought of it, that's why destruction will one day come to them, vehement shit they are

    CRB ; criminal records bureau

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