Anyone else dealing with the flu?

by frozen one 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I left work early on Wed as I was starting to cough and my nose was running. I thought it was just a cold. Got home, took some stuff, went to take a nap...and I doubt that I left my bed for more than 4 hours in the next 48. I did check the Mayo site and found I had 7 of the nine listed symptoms for the flu. The biggie was a fever - 100.9 degrees.

    Anyway, this morning I woke up and noticed an odd sensation. I was hungry - I mean starved - which shouldn't be surprising given I hadn't ate hardly a thing since coming home on Wednesday. I took my temp and it was 98.1! The fever was broken! I got dressed and ran a couple of quick errands. It was a beautiful day in northern Minnesota and I was tempted to go enjoy it, but common sense prevailed and I came back home to rest a bit more.

    A few hours ago I felt a bit dizzy which I thought was most likely caused by residual OTC flu meds and maybe some dehydration. Just for fun I checked my temp - 99.9! WHAT THE WHAT!! Now, as I watch the ALCS (Go Yankees), my temp is up to 100.5. WTF!

    So thats where I'm at. I'm a little dizzy, which isn't even on the list of symptoms, and the fever is back. I'm thinking I'll call my doctor on Monday if the fever is still persisting. This self isolation business sucks when one doesn't have cable tv. Thank god for hulu.

    Now, send me some love with a big "aahhh, poor baby." Thanks in advance.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby."

    "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby."

    "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby."

    "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby." "aahhh, poor baby."

    Hope you start feeling better!!

  • parakeet

    Flu sucks. It serves no useful purpose except to make a lot of virus particles very happy for a while. It sucks even worse when you have to suffer alone.

    Keep pushing liquids, gargle with warm saltwater frequently, and take Tylenol to control the fever. I wish I could make you some of my chilcken soup with homemade noodles.

    Hang in there. Keep us posted.

  • trueblue
  • trueblue
  • trueblue
  • EmptyInside

    I really do hope you feel better and get plenty of rest. I know a lot of people sick right now. My friend had to take her daughter into the ER Wednesday night because she couldn't breathe. It was confirmed to be the H1N1 virus. I read where it is best to stay home until 24 hours after your fever breaks. I'm kind of nervous because I'm not feeling quite right either. But, again, just take it easy and I hope you feel better real soon.

  • jehovahsheep

    its good to build up the imune system by taking extra amounts of vitamin d and c.the flu shot is useless and contains many dangerous antagens.

  • Farkel

    So far, mine has gone over the cuckoo's nest.

    But I'm still holding my breath.


  • Gregor

    Keep monitoring your temp. Get someone to help if need be.

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