Fact vs Faith vs Delusion

by jwfacts 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Religious groups regularly refer to their belief system as truth. Religious truth is generally a mix of fact and faith. For some groups, truth extends beyond faith and into the realm of delusion.

    Facts pertain to knowledge gained in the form of experience and learning. A hypothesis is postulated, tested and if verified becomes considered a fact. For instance, earth's gravity was perceived to be an agency of attraction. This was verified through testing and so it is accepted as fact that gravity causes objects to accelerate toward earth at 9.81 m/s 2 . Being a fact, there is no dispute as to whether gravity goes up or down. There is no disagreement over the speed of gravity; it is universally accepted as 9.81 m/s 2 . Factual knowledge is beneficial in making decisions that prevent humans from harm.

    Faith is used to describe beliefs that are not proven. These unprovable assertions rely on faith to be accepted. Descriptions of life after death are a common underlying theme in religion, but require faith as no one has proven what the afterlife is like or even if it exists. For this reason, religious teachings regarding the after life vary greatly. Similarly, God has not been proven to exist and requires faith based on observations of "creation" and personal experiences of God in ones life. Due to this, religious descriptions of God vary greatly regarding his appearance, name and qualities.

    Delusion is a step further from reality than faith in that it is the deliberate suspension of factual knowledge in favour of belief. The Watchtower is a prime example of a religion promoting delusion. For instance:

    • The Watchtower claims its predictions regarding 1914 were directed by God, even though every aspect of the Watchtower's expectations for 1914 failed to eventuate. They now claim they "consistently presented evidence ... that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914" (Watchtower 1993 January 15 pp.5,9), despite followers being able to quickly prove that for generations the Watchtower said this occured in 1874, if they are so inclined to do such research.
    • The Watchtower ignores historical evidence when claiming that famine, disease, lawlessness, earthquakes and war have become worse since 1914 and disregards proof that Jerusalem did not fall in 607 B.C., in order to uphold preconceived notions of 1914.
    • The Watchtower claims its appointment of elders is guided by holy spirit. Yet, regularly the men appointed are engaged in practices forbidden by the Watchtower Society.

    In each case cited above, the Watchtower does not require an acceptance of fact or even faith; it is delusion that is being promoted because it is simple to prove these teachings unfactual. These types of examples provide unquestionable proof that God or holy spirit does not direct Watchtower teachings or practices and it is delusional to think otherwise.

    When the Watchtower writes about gravity it is accurately promoting facts. When it writes about God, it presents concepts it followers can accept based on faith. But when it demands not to be questioned because it is being actively directed by God, it forces its followers to accept delusion.

    A child cannot proceed through life believing fairy stories are true. Otherwise they will make harmful decisions based on misconception. Likewise, Witness lives are damaged when making decisions regarding healthcare , shunning family , or putting off advanced education , marriage or bearing children on the basis of delusional Watchtower teachings. No long term benefit arises in leading a life based on delusion and falsehood.

  • MadGiant


  • besty

    excellent Paul

  • jwfacts

    Thanks guys.

    If anything is incorrect in what I say I welcome others opinions. I thought there may be some negative comments from Christians that think God is not a matter of faith.

  • lepermessiah


    Your information and opinions are so appreciated!!

    I love your web site and use it frequently. You have saved me countless hours of research and I believe the information is put together so well. When I get asked by my family why I feel the way I do, I just want to give them the web address to jwfacts.com.

    This point is HUGE for me:

    The Watchtower claims its appointment of elders is guided by holy spirit. Yet, regularly the men appointed are engaged in practices forbidden by the Watchtower Society.

    This was the first step for me in resigning as an elder and questioning the whole thing. When I saw the DEPLORABLE behavior by a great number of elders, I was so disgusted. Then, the organization continually browbeats the flock to follow them and to never question them- "they are spirit-appionted men" or "these are the stars in Christ's hand". I started to wonder - is God's holy spirit that far off that it appointed THIS piece of garbage as an elder????" Are Christ's standards so low that he is holding this A-Hole as one of the stars in his hand? When I had a huge problem over the way something was handled by the elders, I wrote the Society. What did they say? Basically, not to question spirit-appointed men and to GO TALK TO THE ELDERS!!

    It was a farce, and I knew it. Now, people like you are helping me to dig further into all of the other BS I have been fed by this unloving, uncaring, organization. THANKS!

  • glenster

    If you're going to describe the JWs leaders' efforts at exclusiveness, you
    left out "lying." "Delusion" could be sincere and less culpable. Peter Popoff
    wasn't deluded about the transmitter in his ear to think he was really getting
    messages from God.

  • neverendingjourney
    The Watchtower claims its appointment of elders is guided by holy spirit.

    I believe they get around this by saying that the guidance comes in the form of the scriptural qualifications coming directly from God, therefore elders are "appointed by holy spirit" because their appointments are made based on qualifications provided from God through the use of Holy Spirit.

    Right about the time I was getting ready to leave the WT this very point was mentioned in print in the congregation book study. I raised my hand and emphasized the point. The elder conducting the meeting, without directly telling the people there I was wrong, proceeded to say that elders are appointed by holy spirit directly because elders pray when they meet to recommend new elders. This is, in fact, what the vast majority of JWs believe. The impression conveyed is that God chooses the elders directly by holy spirit, while the impression conveyed in print was that the qualifications outlined in the Bible were handed down through holy spirit. Therefore, it leaves some wiggle room for the Society to say that there can be error in selecting elders (think elder pedophiles and legal liability). Unfortunately, I don't have a reference for you, nor do I have access to WT library to dig it up, even if I were so inclined.

    I thought there may be some negative comments from Christians that think God is not a matter of faith.

    I'm sure those comments are coming. This is what's most frustrating to me about believers, the inability to accept the role that faith plays in their worship. If they simply admit they choose to believe in things that can neither be tested nor proven, then I have no problem with them. But when they act as if their beliefs are based on fact and distort the meaning of "fact" to include testimony from like-minded individuals who say God has spoken to them directly or who say they've directly felt his guidance, my head wants to explode.

    The bottom line is that accepting the role that faith (as opposed to fact) plays in their worship takes a mental leap that most of them do not want to make. It requires that they acknowledge their beliefs are in no way superior to those of someone who chooses to believe in something equally unprovable such as UFO's, fairy tales, or any of a number of popular conspiracy theories.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    JWFacts says: Facts pertain to knowledge gained in the form of experience and learning. A hypothesis is postulated, tested and if verified becomes considered a fact... Faith is used to describe beliefs that are not proven. These unprovable assertions rely on faith to be accepted.

    So Jwfacts by your own addmission evolution and the big bang theory is faith and not fact as evolution has yet to be proven and the big bang theory is unprovable.

  • jwfacts

    lepermessiah I appreciate your kind comments.

    glenster you certainly have a lot of information at http://gtw6437.tripod.com/index.html I generally tone down the terminology in articles so as not to offend others, though I am sure that many people will draw the same conclusions that you have.

    neverendingjourney You said

    I believe they get around this by saying that the guidance comes in the form of the scriptural qualifications coming directly from God, therefore elders are "appointed by holy spirit" because their appointments are made based on qualifications provided from God through the use of Holy Spirit.

    My father has used that line on me. However I have found quotes where they specifically say they are guided by the the scriptural qualifications and HS, such as - "With the help of the holy spirit and the inspired Scriptures…" Watchtower 1990 Mar. 15 p.20

    Blue Grass I agree with you. Aspects of evolution are factual, but much is still hypothesis. Bing Bang is not proven, but it may become provable. Athiests can be as guilty of promoting faith as fact as religious people.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    When I was studying (and this was in the 1980's) my bible study conductor definitely told me that elders were appointed by qualifications set forth in the bible (which were inspired by holy spirit). Not directly by holy spirit. So mistakes could be made.

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