boozing as a jw

by Adrianoblue 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adrianoblue

    i got babtized at the age of 23. i was not a so called born in guy. i started studying the bible at 20, and before that i never heard of the jw-religion. so everything was pretty new for me.

    to make a long story short: a month or so after baptizm, i felt probably lonley one evenig and got drunk right out of my brains. actually there was no specific reason other than i just got carried away. the following morning i woke up with an extremely bad consiance, and thought what a damned sinner i was! gosh, did i suffer from guilt! because of that, the following years i occasionally did the same thing now and again. i even secretly started smoking at one point.

    for many years, i thought that i was the only one who did so. until i witnessed some other brothers overdone it with the booze.

    so to my question: did any of you done the same while being a jw? i used to confess a few times, but it happend to often, so i didn`t bother in the end.

    did you also have a guilty consiance during your jw-time?


  • cantleave

    Yep - beer and JWism go hand in hand and have done since Rutherford's day.

  • Adrianoblue

    thaks cantleave,

    where did you get that information from?

  • cantleave

    Look Rutherford up on the search option here and also on Google and Wikipeadia. He was apparently violating prohibition and was known for his drinking. Also read experiences of Bethelites and the brown paper bags. All this eye opening stuff, and quite shocking.

  • jaguarbass

    All the witnesses male and female that I knew were alcoholics.

    We all over did it. Alcohol was legal among the JW's back in the 70's.

    We all had well stocked bars in our basements and lived to party. Like it was 1974.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    No, i didnt, but yes i know many ones who held positions who did...i'll stop there...but read between the lines if you was horrid, and i hate recalling back to then, hence we pretty much keep ourselfs to ourselfs.....dont like being around drink and brothers.

  • wobble

    We used to have a regular Friday night meet up in the pub, after the meeting, we were a weird Congo that kept meeting on a Friday night coz, when we rented a hall Friday was the free night they gave us, and we kept on with Fridays for years, even though we had our own Hall.

    Anyhow at least twenty or so Bros. would meet up,and some of us had too much to drink really, not legless, but could not be assed to get up for F.S on Sat. morning.

    A few strait-laced Elders tried to put a stop to it, (one Prig said "I cannot imagine drinking a whole pint of beer" ONE ? he should have seen me tuck them away !), but one C.O's visit the Big Man came for a drink ! That put the seal of approval on it for a few years !

    Good times were possible, even in a Cult. I don't know of anybody who felt guilty about it.



  • zoiks

    Oh man, the memories... I remember boozing it up one weekend with some friends a long time ago... we were all underage. One of the kids was "stumbled" and told the elders. Since I was the one who provided the alcohol, I knew I was in for it. I waited for the hammer to come down. And waited. And waited. Finally, one day out in F.S. I accompanied the PO to a door. On the way to the door, he said, "I heard about your little party. Try not to buy alcohol for minors anymore, ok? They always tell someone." That was it! Of course, being an elder's son had its perks... like admitting to the elders to trying marijuana and again... nothing.


  • shamus100

    JW's are closet piss-tanks, mostly. It's the only indulgence they can rightly do.

    Did I feel guilty?

    Not after I saw everyone else doing it.

  • Satanus


    Rutherford railed against prohibition. Said that it was from satan the devil.


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