What was going on this past week with the JW's?

by Melody Blankenship 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Melody Blankenship
    Melody Blankenship

    They were not "open for business" on Thursday or Sunday. Was there a convention going on somewhere?

  • asilentone

    I have no idea, it could be the last week of the District Assemblies for this year in the USA, not sure, maybe there is a problem inside the Kingdom Hall that needs to be addressed, maybe they need to do some remodeling inside the KH, the only way you can find out for sure, ask them.

  • Melody Blankenship
    Melody Blankenship

    Well, the elders did get served some court papers on Friday, but I had no idea that they would not meet because of that! AWWWWW, now I feel bad.............NOT!

  • asilentone

    court papers?, please be more specific. Thanks!

  • feenx

    yes! court papers served are always interesting...

  • asilentone

    It does not have a ring of truth to it. Prove it. Thanks!

  • skeeter1

    What county/state/country are you located in? Court papers are public record, and are recorded in court......either federal or state court. You can pm me if you'd rather.

  • EmptyInside

    Well, maybe their Circuit had the special Assembly day or two day Assembly. The regular meetings are cancelled then, just like for the Convention.

  • asilentone

    Emptyinside, they will cancel the meetings if they have two day assembly, but not for the one day assembly for that week, My Dad told me.

  • EmptyInside

    Well, all I know is, my Circuit did have the Special Assembly day this past Saturday. And the Thursday and Sunday meetings were both cancelled.

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