I have to bend over and take it and keep my mouth shut

by bluecanary 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • VIII

    Here's a positive: the company shirt sizes run big so I'm wearing a medium. It's the first time in my life I can wear a medium.

    Now look at that, already you're thinking positively.

    See what coming here and griping does for the soul?

    And when you think it can't get any worse, picture the people who are making your day miserable naked. That is usually all it takes to get a smile from me.

    Or a grimace. Depends on the age, weight, etc. At the very least, you'll forget what made you miserable for a few minutes.

  • AllTimeJeff
    And when you think it can't get any worse, picture the people who are making your day miserable naked. That is usually all it takes to get a smile from me.

    Hey VIII, do you really think envisioning people who probably look like the California Raisins naked is usually a good idea for the almost employed? I mean, if I were on a diet, sure... lol

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Now look at that, already you're thinking positively.
    See what coming here and griping does for the soul?

    Hey, come on now! I was enjoying this!

  • palmtree67

    Hang in there, blue!!

    Give it a a bit of time before you start voicing an opinion. I started a whole new career this year and I have only just started to feel I understand everything about the job. There may be stuff you don't understand. Also, I have found that some things are JUST NOT VERY EFFICIENT!!!! I am a highly organized and efficient person and inefficiency irritates me.

    Every day when I go to work, I tell myself, "Be happy and helpful!!" "Happy and Helpful" is my mantra.

    Good luck with the new job, hunny!!

  • Finally-Free
    I haven't put up with it since leaving. I am never disrespectful, but I will speak up for myself. In the past four months that has cost me both my job and my unemployment money.

    I haven't lost a job over this yet, but I won't take any shit from people either since leaving the JWs. In fact, I've just picked a fight with a job search web site. I'm still employed, so when I check the job listings I have my online resume set to a "confidential" status. The web site leads you to believe that your "confidential" resume can be brought up by employers if it includes their search criteria, but your name and contact information remains private until you agree to disclose it to the prospective employer. Imagine my surprise last week when I received several emails from a recruiting company after they downloaded my resume. I didn't apply to this company - I never even heard of them until last week. So far the job search site has been unresponsive to my inquiries, so I'm considering other options. I think people need to be aware that their "confidential" resumes are anything but confidential. From now on I'll use the job listings, but I won't apply for positions using the web site's tools.



  • bluecanary

    I love you guys.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have had this conversation with a relative. There are no jobs out there, and she managed to get one that pays good. The deal keeps getting worse as it goes along, but I have to urge her to take it until it gets out of hand. They expect employees to stay late or give up some Saturdays for training, without extra pay. The job is salaried, not set in clear rules of a 40-hour week, so it's not ridiculous to do this once in awhile, but they started down the slippery slope of demanding an eight-hour Saturday once a month or so- perhaps 9 or 10 times a year.

    Until she and co-workers can show the bosses that this is asking too much, or until the bosses realize it on their own, or until the job market gets better, I have to help her to just take it. For the money she earns, she would have to work many more hours at a lower-wages job than she is giving up on 10 Saturdays- a total of 80 hours in the year or two weeks at a typical job.

  • bluecanary

    This deal keeps getting worse and worse all the time.

    OTWO I feel for your friend. I was supposed to be hired by Wachovia through a temp agency on 8/17. For three weeks ahead of time I turned down other jobs because I was already hired for a good job with good pay. They call and push the job back a week. Then they cancel it altogether. The temp agency wanted to get me an interview for a different position in Wachovia. I turned them down. I can't afford to commit to a company that's going to be jerking me around, costing me other jobs and weeks of job hunting time. Turning down that interview lost me my unemployment $. Damned either way.

  • watson

    I have to bend over and take it and keep my mouth shut

    I have this on DVD!

  • JWdaughter

    BC, sorry you are having such an obnoxious start to your new job. I have been sitting here guilting out about my husbands new job, because many who go to the country we are going to are going with 3rd world credentials and have jobs that no citizen or western national would do in a million years. And the jobs are so much better than what is available in their home countries (philippines, India, etc.) that they think they are lucky to have them (and still revile the westerners whose walk in closets are bigger than the living quarters they are assigned-literally!) Some employers treat them like slaves-very literally with no days off and very little income.

    I am glad you have a job her in this economy. I couldn't find one (that didn't soon downsize and lay me off!) for over 2 years now. I hope that once you start they will see how great you are and move you to a more appropriate position (maybe fixing the HR office?)


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