Oct.15th WT- " Wanna Be Jesus Friend? Have to Support the Faithful Slave"

by flipper 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others
    Then it says the first primary way to express " friendship " towards " Christ's brothers " is sharing in the preaching work. The second way they can help Christ's brothers ? ( Here it comes ) " By financially supporting the preaching work. Not that we can buy friendship with Jesus or Jehovah. Rather , by using our material assets to further kingdom interests , we prove our friendship and love , not just in word , but in " deed and truth" . We provide such financial support when we engage in preaching work, when we donate money toward the construction and maintenance of our meeting facilities, and contribute funds to the worldwide preaching work. "

    Jesus said as you recieved freely give freely....Asking or making one feel obligated to donate is that christian. After all is it not the Wt that said they would never beg for money in any form. When that happens its time to fold.

    All the magazines are being paid for plenty, the publisher pays for everything they pick up. Then they also give the donation from the door to door work in the contribution box.

    Ok, so if you don't start getting your donations in people Jesus will be with held from you....

  • JustHuman14

    My God Mr Flipper...the FDS really feels the ground they are standing really shaky? Perhaps the next step for being the ultimate Cult is to claim that actually Jesus was part of the "slave class" and our salvation is depending upon our faith to FDS...

    What a crap dude. It is a really another vomiting article. WT is getting more and more extreme cult, tightening the robes. The outcome is amazing:

    1.JW's are getting baptized in the name of "God's Spirit Directed Organization" since 1985(it was the result of the apostasy occured in the 80's)

    2. FDS has changed from being "anointed from all the world" and they are only the GB

    3. OBEY to GB means obey to Jesus, other wise if you don't you are in a deep shit

    4.OBEY to the elders means obey to GB that Jesus appointed

    The last 2 I recall them in my time when I was a JW. But they are getting more Cultish. WT indeed has taken way Jesus Christ from their followers. Jesus is like a distand entity that you can come close only be following GB.

    Most of the WT articles are focusing on the GB and their "divine power". What bloody cult...An idolatrous "Christian faith" that removed totaly Jesus. Even few have the "right"to have the Blood and Flesh of Jesus. It is simly amazing, what can we say.

    On the contrary of the main stream religions and from my expierience being Christian Orthodox the Church is asking from us to have personal relation with Jesus, because ONLY through Jesus we can gain our forgiveness of our sins. Without Jesus in our life we cannot achieve anything. That is why the Church invites us for the Mystery of the Holy Communion when all Christians becoming one with Jesus...

    Boy GB has a real hard time and their only way to survive is by vanishing Jesus and standing in place that they don't belong...

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Rather , by using our material assets to further kingdom interests.

    That implies a little more than a weekly donation to me. I notice too they use ambiguity to try to cover their greed and themselves. The whole FDS as mediator smacks of Spiritism to me too. How do they know they're 'channeling' God? If they make false prophesies in the future maybe they can use the excuse that Satan ''came through'' (He's soooo devious) ...far fetched..? Yes - but the R&F would swallow it.

  • designs

    Money money money...MONEY- the O'Jays

  • cantleave

    I'm still an Elder so is Christ pleased with me. My counsel would be look it up on the internet.

    Seriously the focus on financial matters is getting so obvious now, surely this will lead more people to start asking if this organisation really does have god's blessing.

    What is so infuriating is so many R&F have finacial problems themselves, they need to focus on looking after the needs of their own families, as the scriptures instruct, but by guilt tactics are being forced to donate more to the WTBS.

    This time of year they are ordering CD Rom's, Bound Volumes, Calanders, Examining Scriptures etc. and they are being reminded that there are costs involved in printing these things so "please don't forget the "voluntary" contributions - BTW your freindly literature servant can tell what the suggested level for each item is".

  • designs

    cantleave- thanks for the insider news. Donations are down for all types of non profit organizations, its a tuff recession.

    I spoke with a CO about a year ago, as we were entering the recession, about collectivising food and other supplies in the congregations to help each other out ala Acts, he just stared. The congregations use to bring food and clothing to the Halls for distribution. To many good things have been supplanted for the rigors of the ministry as they see it being done.

  • Heaven

    Since their balls are so huge as to say something like this, maybe this is the type of support they really need....

  • undercover
    Under the subheading on pg. 15 " Friendship with Christ Today " in paragraph 15 it states that " the determining factor that would distinguish a sheep from a goat would be the way an individual treated even the least of these his brothers. Therefore , the primary way that those with the earthly hope demonstrate their desire to be friends with Christ is by SUPPORTING the FAITHFUL SLAVE CLASS. "





  • teel

    " the determining factor that would distinguish a sheep from a goat would be the way an individual treated even the least of these his brothers. Therefore , the primary way that those with the earthly hope demonstrate their desire to be friends with Christ is by SUPPORTING the FAITHFUL SLAVE CLASS. "

    These are two unrelated statements bound together by the word "therefore". The first sentence tells me to treat every brother nicely, the second to support the faithful class. Since the two by WT reasoning seems to be equivalent, let's switch it around: "...a sheep from a goat would be the way an individual supports even the least of these his brothers. Therefore, the primary way... to be friends with Christ is by treating nicely the faithful slave class." Hm... that doesn't sound so bad is it? I mean if there's a brother who tells me to stand up against the GB I should support him as long as I'm not mean towards them right?

    Not that we can buy friendship with Jesus or Jehovah.

    An other way of saying: give as much as you can, but don't think that however much you give it will be enough.

  • marcopolo

    IN The Didaché: the most ancient ecclesiastical constitution


    Cap XI
    5. However he will have to stop one alone day; if there was also there need of a second; but if he stopped
    three days, he is a forgery prophet.
    6. departing, then, the apostle doesn't take for itself nothing if not the bread (enough) up to the place where
    he will lodge; if he asks money instead, he is a forgery prophet.

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