A Question for Blue Grass

by marmot 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • God_Delusion

    Blue Grass: "there is evidence that some mountains in Turkey(I think) were fully submerged under water"

    God Delusion: Please show me where you got this evidence from? Unless there are libraries on Titan that hold evidence of this, please show me which earthly evidence exists to this fact.

    Blue Grass (in response to MissingLink's response that the flood happened maybe 6,000 years ago): "It would be impossible for me to know that"

    God Delusion: I'm guessing that you're a Jehovah's Witness. If you are, then shame on you for being on an "apostatic" site. And shame on you for not knowing when the flood was supposed to have happened. If you're not a Jehovah's Witness, then I retract my last statement.

    Blue Grass: "science agrees that all mankind comes from one man"

    God Delusion:Once again, please show me where you read this. Sounds like Awake! dribble to me. Watch the video link you posted again and this time, listen to what it says. Then do some research on the subject. Then do more research.

    Dear Blue Grass, you sound like you've got a bout of Reniaalogicitis. I've seen this is rare illness in many Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm no doctor, but I advise you cross-check every Awake! article you've got in your home that supports the "Flood Debacle" with real science. Have an open mind. I know it's difficult. After all, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society have made it so through the years of mental conditioning.

    If you are a Jehovah's Witness, then you fit into the following category of people;

    "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to

    be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly

    dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

    I implore you to Awake! from your slumber. Please, please, please, open your eyes and see that the years of brainwashing inflicted on us can be removed. We are here to help you, but you've got to let us in. Blue Grass (or any Jehovah's Witnesses reading this), what do you think makes me different from you? I was born a Jehovah's Witness, studied for years, brought people into the organisation, but even though I was so inert, so hopelessly dependant on the system that I was brought up in, a part of my mind was fighting a battle with the rest of my conscious self.

    I broke the law by researching scientific information in relation to the flood. Once I had realised that the flood story was proved inaccurate, I started to wonder what else in the bible was wrong? The shock to my system that followed reduced me to tears.

    If you think that something is wrong with the organisation, but don't want everyone to know that you have a few belief issues, please PM me.

    I'd like to finally finish this comment by saying that the flood fairytale has been disproved by each and every scientist that I have spoken to and believe me, I've spoken to and work with a great deal of them.

    I know the flood issue must have been covered on here countless times, but if any of you have questions that you would like answered scientifically, let me have them.

    Kind regards


  • daniel-p

    Yay. Bluegrass = the new Reniaa/Spike

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    To God_Delusion you really need to learn how to read. I never said the flood happened 6,000 years ago(megs said that) and as far as where I got all humans coming from one man from, if you had taken the time to read all the post correctly before you commented you would of seen the link I posted to the National Geographic Channel video which gives plenty of evidence to that fact.

  • 144001

    I don't want to hijack this thread, but I agree with Mastodon. Blue Ass has made his presence on this board known by disparaging and insulting all users of this forum, without any valid basis. Since Blue Ass showed a lack of respect for all of us, I don't believe this troll is worthy of any respect and he/she/it should not be given the "honor" of having threads directed to him/her/it.

    Down down to hell and say I sent thee thither!

  • Mastodon

    I don't want to hijack this thread, but I agree with Mastodon. Blue Ass has made his presence on this board known by disparaging and insulting all users of this forum, without any valid basis. Since Blue Ass showed a lack of respect for all of us, I don't believe this troll is worthy of any respect and he/she/it should not be given the "honor" of having threads directed to him/her/it.

    Down down to hell and say I sent thee thither!

  • God_Delusion

    Dear Blue Grass,

    I'm not here to start a slagging match as I neither have the time or patience for it.

    If you had read my comment, you would have seen what I had written in accordance with the video link you posted. And yes, you're right, I did make a mistake in misquoting you. I have changed my post and I apologise.

    Are you a Jehovah's Witness? I only ask because as a Jehovah's Witness, you should know when Jehovah decided to kill everything on the planet apart from a family of eight.

    I advise that you look into DNA Variance Analysis. You will see that it is impossible for humankind to have reached the level of variance that we are at if we all stemmed from Noah.

  • undercover
    Whether the flood was global or just in the middle east area is irrelevant.

    It is relevant to all the religions that claim that it was global and assert that the Bible says so. To prove that is wasn't global proves them wrong, thus denying them the position they claim to hold as being God's spokesman.

    The point is all human beings except Noah and his sons and their wives were saved.

    I think you got it backwards. According to the Biblical legend, only Noah and his family were saved. The rest were destroyed. Assuming that's what you meant, provide some proof...aside from ancient holy books.

    As far as physical evidence is concerned, we know that there is evidence that some mountains in Turkey(I think) were fully submerged under water which would support the view of the flood being located only where the human population was. On the other hand we know that the earth is at least 70% water and if the ice caps in the north and south pole were to melt the earth would be fully submerged underwater. So there is some evidence for either view. No matter how it happened I do believe a flood destroyed mankind.

    Again, you mis-type. If "a flood destroyed mankind" we wouldn't be here to talk about it. I'm guessing you mean that most of mankind was destroyed.

    How do you know that the human population was only located where a localized flood was? Got proof?

    At least you're willing to consider that the flood wasn't global. There may be hope for you yet. Once you're able to seperate fact from silly Bible stories, maybe you'll figure it out.

  • bohm

    Man, is this place like a big wack-a-mole with trolls?!

    BlueGrass: If you got a coherent idea about the flood, like how to explain the ice core samples, ethnological evidence, how the ark stayed afloat, current genetic diversity, how noah cared for the animals, where the water came from, where it went, explanation of the coral reefs, various dating methods that disprove the flood, etc. etc., i invite you to start a thread and explain it at length. there might be a few lurkers who would find it interesting.

  • glenster

    It's allegory, but if you have to try for a partly literal version, you could
    have domething basic like Adam and Eve as the first two with God's purpose, and
    a local flood could be the whole world as a little group of descendants knew it.

    This reminds me of a "GTA San Andreas" message board. One thread is trolling
    by a guy who doesn't like it, and then another thread asks him if he really
    thinks Bigfoot is in Back o' Beyond.

  • MissingLink

    Blue Grass: "science agrees that all mankind comes from one man"

    That "man" that is our most recent common ancestor is nothing like modern man, and it happened MUCH earlier than 6K years ago. Science also knows that men and mice have a common ancestor, and going back further men and fish have a common ancestor.

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