Was pastor Russell right about ANYTHING?

by bohm 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm


    Pastor Russell was wrong about a lot of things - one could make a really long list from any 10 random pages from the finished mystery. But for fun i want to turn it around, so my question is this:

    What teachings or idea originated from pastor Russell (or the watchtower up to his death) which today is recognized as true by jehovahs witnesses?

    Notice this would rule out such things like no hell, no eternal soul (since he got those ideas from others) and that the gentiles times ended in 1914, since his interpretation of what the end of the gentile times meant is (to my understanding!) completely different than the one in use today.

    I cant really think of a single thing...

    bonus! the same question for Judge Rutherford.

  • undercover
    the same question for Judge Rutherford.

    Rutherford was right about one thing:

    Religion is a snare and a racket

  • Farkel

    :What teachings or idea originated from pastor Russell

    Nothing. All his ideas came from Jehovah. Even the toga for his funeral! Don't you know anything?


  • TD

    --That the Studies In The Scriptures might only be of "some interest" to Bible Students in 100 years.

  • glenster

    1914 came after 1913 and war isn't an omen.

    You could honestly claim the degree of exclusiveness of a literal 144,000
    if you taught that Jesus was created and to be worshipped and invisibly appeared
    in 1874, Adam and Eve appeared 6,000 years before that and were Caucasian, the
    earth was created 42,000 years before that, and if you publicly spurned Christian
    charity except for donations for Russell's publications > dummy companies so
    Russell could use gifts to pay of his alimony. Defining Christianity that way,
    he was also right in predicting that it would come to ruin.

    Note: Wikipedia says he correctly predicted global warming (?). This might be
    surprising except this is what he actually predicted:

    - predicted that God would make the world like the Garden of Eden for the ones
    He saved for eternity, which would require that the parts of the world less hos-
    pitable to human life and farming would have to change into places that are per-
    fect for it, which isn't the same thing and didn't happen, and

    - guessed about the possibility (didn't predict) that his prediction of a per-
    iod of trouble (1874 to 1914 would be 40 years of the worst trouble the world
    has known, later known to be one of his failed predictions) could be marked off
    by drastically different climate than that hospitable to human life, and that
    when Jesus visibly returned (Oct., 1914, Oct., 1915, a few years after 1916)
    there would be climate changes to bring about a Garden of Eden-type climate by
    the end of the subsequent millenium, which didn't happen, either. ("Zion's Watch
    Tower," Sept., 1883, p.8, Sept., 1886, p.1, Aug., 1896, p.189)

    He claimed in 1903 and 1913 that the trend would continue of polar ice caps
    getting smaller as they were doing in his present time, and they would drift to-
    ward the equator. The quality of the data before 1950 is debatable, but there's
    no indication the polar ice caps were doing any more than going through their
    annual changes in shape in his lifetime. The Arctic Sea ice has gotten notably
    smaller and the Antarctic ice has grown a bit since about 1957, and they haven't
    drifted to the equator. ("Zion's Watch Tower," Jan., 1913, p.11, May, 1903, p.

    In the 1913 example, he threw in a support for the canopy effect, which isn't
    indicated by science and would require a batch of attending miracles to pull
    off, as part of an attempt to justify his literal interpretation of the Noah

    One change that went on in Russell's lifetime and since that he and others may
    have noticed is that urban areas were growing, and urban areas are warmer than
    countryside, but that isn't what he reported.

  • cantleave

    He was right about one thing.

    You can make more money by starting a new religion than running a chain of shops.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    You are wrong again, dude!!! How can you live with yourself?

    You know perfectly well that Russell correctly predicted that 1914 would arrive in 1914!!! And, that that prediction came true! The man was a profit I tell you!!!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • bohm

    glenster: so what you say is that the following things was thought up by russell and is still believed today:

    • 144000 is a litteral number, they go to heaven, the rest end up on earth. [as i know russell believed the earth was for all outside his group]
    • 42000 years of creation [actually thought they dumped that years ago... interesting. it opens up yet another scientific can of worms]
    • Christianity should not be about charity [pretty vague]
    • global warming [if you tilt your head and squeeze your eyes together, anyway :-)]

    I think the invicible jesus idea originated with the millerites just after their first failure, and was reused by barbour to apply to 1874 and then by jw to 1914, and that he believed that the trouble would END in 1914. actually as far as i know ww1 was not connected to jesus presence or as an indication of the end untill years after his death, thus it can hardly be said to be anything he got right in any meaningfull way.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    He was against an "Organization" with central control. He thought the Ecclesias should be autonomous. He wasn't supposed to be the new pope. W.Once

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    From "The Time Is At Hand":

    The thought that the Church would all be gathered to glory before October, 1914, certainly did have a very stimulating and sanctifying effect upon thousands, all of whom accordingly can praise the Lord--even for the mistake.

    When you think in this way there is simply no need to be right about anything! To put it into today's terminology..."It's ALL good!"

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