Roll call - How many here fake being a "good Jehovah's Witness" me!

by Witness 007 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hamsterbait

    For some of us opening our big mouth and saying what we really think would be as catastophic to our fambly as a nuclear accident. In this respect we show more love to them than the GB who "know and love jehoobie" first.

    It's all about what you can stand. If it is making you die then choose life.

    I think there is a big difference between living the life of a lying hypocrite, and being wise enough to keep your mouth shut.

    I dont live immorally and am not involved in criminal activity. If I were, I could not be bothered with da "Troof". I live quite an ordinary life and as such do not consider my witless acquaintances deserving of knowing anything about myself or my thoughts on things beyond what I choose to tell them.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I still go to a few meetings but I would not be considered an "exemplary" witness.

    I know our family are concerned about us but I will not discuss the details of our withdrawal; if it will cosy my family relationships I would sooner nod and say "thanks for your concern, we are fine."

  • Cadellin

    It's a fine line to walk...I'm doing a slow fade and sometimes its fine and sometimes it's horrid. But the pain I'll be causing my family is horrid to think about...It's more about keeping one's mouth shut than being a hypocrite.

  • hamsterbait

    We are in a situation like Elizabethan England.

    What the Church taught changed and went back and forth to several decades.

    Parishioners were fined a SHILLING (about amonths wages) for bad Church attendance. If you disagreed with what was being said you risked being burned at the stake. WHAT would you have done??

    The Witlesses do the worst they can to family members who disagree with them. They would KILL these ones if they could.


    My mouth stays shut.

    Lets face it too - if Barbara Anderson had kept her mouth shut before the Dateline programme and NOT told her friends what was about to be broadcast, there would have been a much bigger impact.


  • Flarke

    I faked it for two years after I turned eighteen (and had moved out of my parents house) while living a secret double life as a beer swilling, motorcycle riding, cigarette smoking, wicca dabbling lesbian.... HAHA!! It was really akward when I got a shepherding call about not going to enough meetings (in my defense I did work the second shift)... I febreezed the hell out of my apartment and lit incense to get rid of the cig smoke and hide any kind of lesbian paraphernalia that I had, made sure all of my JW literature was sitting out like I actually was reading the s***.... Thank god it was one of the few nice elders we had that visited with his nice ministerial servant son... It wasn't so bad. But yeah the faking it killed me. Especially since the whole congregation suspected me of being of the homosexual persuasion since I was a teenager.... I did have my sister (who attended meetings pretty regularly) who totally knew of my double life and would actually come with me to dance at the gay clubs, I'm very lucky I had her support at that time of my life!

  • WTWizard

    I do what I can to avoid the witlesses, since there is no one there that's worth my time and attention (at least no one that they would allow me anywhere near). All those cockroaches want is to get me back, run me through several years of just bringing men into the cancer (and kissing a** for those who start studies but are not going any farther, which would be the majority), sending me to the Value Destroyer Training School (the two month class that was created to give Jehovah an excuse to keep me celibate and call it a "blessing(??)" and learn how to build congregations using the systems that failed before, waste a year on a billion assignments that you do not have an honorable reason to refuse, watch Critical Mass develop among the Witlesses, and then watch them seize control of the whole world.

    And, if that's what they want from me, I do not feel they are worth a strand of loose tinsel on my sun-worship tree or a pixel I post on apostate boards.

  • The-Borg

    Nope, could never ever do that.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have tried for decades. I got fed up last year and am wearing my beard and saying that the org is wrong if not following what the BIBLE says. I am being looked at strangely fromt ime to time. I am even being shunned by a few.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I bumped into an old friend and I guess she pretended, not knowing I haven't been to a meeting in several years. A few days later I bumped into the non JW mutual friend, (She is very familiar with the JW religion), told me that her friend was embarresed and scared because she has been inactive. I said so am I. Tell her it's cool. Watching her talk the talk was scary. She went right into it as if her life was at stake


    Hamsterbait said, 'If you disagreed with what was being said you risked being burned at the stakeā€¦My mouth stays shut.'

    This is true but it doesn't happen now. The JWs have no power except the power we choose to give them. Their only weapon is silence but we still have a voice.

    I left at great cost, losing my family. I wrote a book which has resulted in a large number of Bible studies being stopped. Announcements were made from a number of Kingdom halls warning people not read the book. This resulted in more people reading it.

    It was my choice to leave and theirs to shun me. If everybody who disagreed were to stand up and be counted their corrupt setup would be devastated. They continue to exist because enough people are afraid to speak out against their deception.

    To remain silent is to consent. We all have a choice and all that is needed for tyranny to succeed is that good men and women do nothing.

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