Why is the US so afraid of Social Health Care?

by eyeslice 298 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think once we have programs in place to help mothers in trouble, all them, and better adoption laws, maybe this will become a reality. There are some women, especially teenaged girls who fear abusive parents and abusive religions, who will have abortions to keep from being found out. I don't like it, but its reality. I told my daughter that if she chose to keep her baby, I'd always help her. She chose to have him and I am raising him right now.

  • Robdar
    I told my daughter that if she chose to keep her baby, I'd always help her. She chose to have him and I am raising him right now.

    You are a good woman with a gentle heart, FHN. Please do not think I believe otherwise just because we disagree about abortion.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Robyn. I hope one day there will be alternatives so attractive that no one chooses to end a pregnancy unless there is a life threatening situation for the mother.

  • watson

    FHN, I think you have something on the Medicare thing. If they don't want universal healthcare, then maybe they should give it up. Interesting.

    Robdar, don't discount Bek's lap..


    I think the opinion of Americans would change if Americans were traveling to Canada or Europe, instead of the opposite being the truth.

  • FlyingHighNow
    But you are correct, we can't let the children suffer. So, why don't we just insure the wee, innocent ones? Everybody else can go fuck themselves.

    Problem for the wee ones is, if the parents don't get health care, they may end up very sick or even die. What kind of quality parenting will sick and dying parents give wee ones? And what if the parents go many thousands of dollars into debt over medical bills? How will they care properly for the wee ones? A whole is the sum total of its parts. A countries health is the sum total of the health of its individual parts. Having all citizens in good health only makes sense. A sickly country will not defend its self well because millions of its citizens will be too ill and weak to fight.

    If you had an island nation of 100 people, wouldn't you want every citizen strong, fit and healthy? You'd sure be in a better position to defend yourselves if you're healthy. 100 people....300 million people...

  • beksbks
    I think the opinion of Americans would change if Americans were traveling to Canada or Europe, instead of the opposite being the truth.


  • beksbks
    Robdar, don't discount Bek's lap..

    Thank you Watson! I'll push her onto the floor if you show up though!



    I think the opinion of Americans would change if Americans were traveling to Canada or Europe for healthcare, instead of the Canadiens and Europeans traveling here for healthcare.

    I thought the context of this thread was clear and that I didn't have to state that I was obviously speaking of Americans' reluctance for socialized healthcare.

  • FlyingHighNow

    A minority of Americans, XJW, more of us are for it.

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