What Assembly were you baptized at...

by vilot 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    camber sands pontins, 82ish maybe

  • llbh

    Twickenham 1975 age 19, and i thought this end was nigh, ah well onward and upward!

    I went to Dorking too once, agreed it is a nice part of England.

    Regards David

  • tenyearsafter

    1978?...I can't remember the location, but it was a circuit assembly...maybe Woodland Hills AH or Leimert Theater?

  • dudeson

    West Henrietta, NY.

    Sept 9, 2000. I was 15

  • Sunspot

    Although I attended the Springfield South Unit in Springfield, MA....the convention I was assigned to was in Pawtucket RI.....the date was July 1, 1972. I haven't a clue what the name of ther assembly was. (We didn't even have the assembly Hall in Natick back then.)

  • Rocky_Girl

    Circuit Assembly - Matt 6:33, can't remember the name of the assembly though.

    September 4, 1993 - 13 years old

  • patient

    1985 ish - Manchester Ass hall UK

  • Gretchen956

    1972 Divine Rulership District Convention in Vancouver British Columbia in the VERY chilly waters of the Pacific Ocean.

  • Gretchen956

    Circuit assembly in Cheney, WA November 1973.

    Drwtsn; I was protesting outside the Tacoma Dome when you were getting dunked

    Too funny! I walked past the protesters to go watch that baptism. Worse, I paid for the parking in the infamous Tacoma Dome parking scandal rip-off by the "brothers." Sad sad sad

  • four candles
    four candles

    1975 Pontins holiday camp in North Wales.

    Manchester Ass hall was my local hall and helped renovate it.

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