Regarding DNCall 's story here, to anyone who is still on fence

by apostate from way back when 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate from way back when
    apostate from way back when

    I am Barbara's sister Marilyn, and I was first introduced to the JW's at age 13 and met Frank then along with all of the other young people. I knew Frank's parents well for 3 years. Since Barbara and Frank were dating we were at his house or he at our's quite a lot. I did not want to become a JW in the first place, and was forced to do so, but I liked the other kids our age, and we had fun at the assemblies (when Frank and his father Al Kavelin were the rock stars) and did fun outings together. Frank's parents, Virgina & Al were amazing people. I remember many great stories Al would tell us about the old days as a band leader, he was such a good story teller and a very loving man. Virgina was beautiful, classy, and an excellent cook. Until my father's dying day he would talk about her pot roast.

    I think meeting Frank's family made Barbara and I start to realize what a dysfunctional family we had. My father (not a JW) was harsh and angry a lot of the time, but could be a fascinating person when he was in the mood. My mother was not a "deep thinker", Barb & I don't remember ever having a real conversation about anything really with her, but she was a loving mother and a good mother in other ways. We didn't have any extended family that we knew (no grandparents, cousins & such)

    So, the JW's meant stability to my sister, and she was in love with Frank. I on the other hand, having never before been exposed to religion and not wanting to become religious refused to go to meeting when I was 16. By age 17 I was df'd (I was pressured into becoming baptized, and I just went along with the program) and consequently told to leave home at age 17.

    I had a baby on my own to raise at age 19, probably to make my own little family, and my sister and I were talking to each other again. I always knew she loved me, and I never held it against her that she chose that life. So I had limited, but at least yearly visits in LA with my sister & their family. We loved to take the kids to Disneyland. My daughter had a relationship with her cousins which I was very grateful for. It went on like this for many years. I would occasionally see other JW's I had known while visiting them (I moved to SF area 1975) and they were always civil to me, but I would stay away when the weekly meetings were held at their house, and of course Frank was always busy being an Elder.

    I think Frank's story is easier to read on Freemind, there is also a picture of them, so you have faces to put to the story. I just wanted to say that I watched this story unfold from afar all these years. I know how much the "cult" has changed over the years. I remember the fine men and women before the 1975 prediction, and I know Al and many of the fine men & women who had true faith would be appalled at what the JW's have come to. These were leaders, not followers.

    It's obvious this is a cult. Please listen to Frank, don't let this cult keep you from living your life. Our spirituality lives within us, how we live our lives and treat others.

    Thanks for listening,


  • BabaYaga

    Great to meet you, Marliyn! (Way Back When!)

    If I haven't done so already, welcome!



    Good Post..Welcome to the board!!................OUTLAW

  • jamiebowers


  • arwen

    Welcome and thanks for posting. Good to hear from someone who was there "way back when".. Hope you hang around.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome. I agree - the organization is far different now than before 1975/1980 era ended.

    When I 'joined up' as a teen, the brotherhood at the hall seemed very real to me. The hall seemed like a little country church, with families that truly loved one another, did things together, and bonded sincerely. Much of that changed with the hastening in of the 'apostate era' of fear. Elders became overbearing and hateful. The shunning policies got out of control. Brooklyn became Jehovah to most.

    Not to say there were not serious problems before - but they have gotten so much worse since 1980. I miss that. Really. It was a cult then, as it is now. But the destructive nature was far less in those days. Well, that's how I see it anyway.


  • flipper

    MARILYN- Very well written and expressed by you ! Thanks for the input . I bet you feel as if you have gained back a much closer authentic relationship with your sister and brother in law now that they aren't under the influence of cult mind control ! I'm so happy for you ! I'm in the process of re-connecting with a JW nephew of mine who is considering possibly exiting as well ! Welcome to the board , and I'll have to sneak over to Freeminds and read Frank's story over there as well. I read it here, but will read it there too. Take care, nice to have you here, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Thanks Marilyn, the organization was a different place in the 60's and the 70's. People were real friends with a more relaxed loving atmosphere towards each other. Thank you for your insights.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I didn"t know Barb has a sis'. Welcome and hopefully we will all meet

  • apostate from way back when
    apostate from way back when

    Yes, Barb does indeed have a beloved little sister. We are only 2 years apart in age, and we were always very close growing up. We had no religion in our life until the JW's, so it is so delightful to have her back in my life during Xmas (which is never a religious celebration in our house), it's about decorating the biggest tree we can find, spending time together, I love to give presents and I try to make most of my gifts). My husband and I take wonderful little get away trips with Barb & Frank now, and David and Frank get along great! I feel so happy just to have gotten closer to my sister, and Frank who I've known since I was 13. We love them, they are fun, exciting people and always really enjoy each other's company.

    We have the rest of our lives to live, and the best is yet to come!

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