Elders no longer need two witnesses to DF you

by bluecanary 9 Replies latest social humour

  • bluecanary

    They just need Google Maps.

    Might want to keep your dildo collection away from the window.

  • cantleave


  • minimus

    Just because one has a dildo collection, it does mean he/she should be disfellowshipped. (I wonder if she's a Witness).

  • bluecanary

    No, minimus, but you'd better be careful of anything else incriminating that might be visible. Elders may no longer need to stake out your house at night to see if you commit fornication. They can just google it. They might even learn that sex happens during the day, too!

  • RubaDub

    It just seems odd to me that she is airing them out.

    I wonder where they are been?

    Rub a Dub

  • straightshooter

    All it takes is two elders to visually see an event or assumed event and the two elders become the two witnesses.

    Hence if two elders see a google picture, then they are the two witnesses needed for the Judicial Committee.

  • minimus

    maybe she's got a dildo biz.

  • daniel-p

    She probably knew the Google truck was coming by and set up a "show." There are other places where you can see the truck drivng down a street and some sort of human art installation was obviously set up for the street view.

  • BurnTheShips

    Those are just anatomically correct tampons.


  • Lucky Calamity
    Lucky Calamity

    That is NOT my dildo collection! How dare you accuse me of such a thing. Anyone can plainly see that those are collectible MADONNAS!

    oops! we're not allowed to have those either? uh, er, well, i didn't realize . . . those are pagan idols? oh, my! I'll get rid of them right away!

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