Weird "end of world" convention advert left in my door yesterday.

by JWoods 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    Yeah, but who would want to spend eternity with Hillary Clinton anyway?

    True dat... but in paradise it would be more like this:

  • JeffT

    Hilary Clinton would be a lot more interesting than most of the women in that brochure.

  • JWoods

    Guess it really doesn't matter, as everybody will be vegans and of course there is no sex.

  • blondie

    No sex, the WTS currently says that survivors of the GT will have children in the new system...without sex???

    You must be thinking of their doctrine that those resurrected will not be having sex (or getting married).

  • JWoods

    Right, Blondie, I forgot. Sex is the priviledge of those who pass through Armaggedon, wasn't it. If you had to be raised from the dead, you were celibate.

    Of course, with the big A being pushed further and further into the future, almost everybody who was alive at the time this got thought up will have to be resurrected...with some new unspecified "generation" having the sex benefit.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's a doomsday cult centred around a horrible belief that Jesus and angels will shortly slaughter billions of human beings for eternity. Nothing invigorates religious fanaticism and loyalty more than fear induced by doomsday messages.

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