Why don't they do more to protect the children from sexual abusers?

by Lady Lee 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • verystupid77

    Good point Lady Lee about confidentiality. I bought that up to this elder and all the elders. This elder told me he told me the only reason he told me confidential things was because I would not stop asking questions and I was wearing him down. I guess my asking and throwing a fit that child molesters were holding children was to much for him to handle. Made no sense to me other wise. Oh also the CO wanted me to take blame for this along with this elder. Blame for what? This elders keep emailing that I had to blame someone. Blame someone about what. Keep child molesters away for kids. There is no blame.

    Interesting not one elder said a word about this elder telling me confidential things. Not one elder including the CO. Amazing

  • verystupid77

    Sorry about the spelling it still makes me so mad. It has been on going for two years and it is so upsetting.

  • verystupid77

    Even when the law of the land convicts them and puts them in jail the elders still consider they are innocent because the perpetrator deny it and there weren't two witnesses.

    After rereading that part of your post it is finally making sense. Both of the child molesters we have in the hall right now say they did not do the crime and they were wrongly sent to jail. In my way of thinking that is just too crazy to believe. It the courts convicted them then they must be guilty but the elders do not see it that way in the least. There was not two witnesses to the crime even though the courts convicted them so the elders feel they are not guilty.

    As far as telling me things in confidence this elder said "When I said that it was in confidence, I meant that it was intended as a communication between only me and you in order to assist you in understanding why a particular action was or was not taken, and to provide you with some background in the matter." Yeh he was trying to explaine to me why this child molester was taking care of babies when he told me this in confidence.

    Like his telling me that the child molester did not do the crime and then when I backed this elder in a conner and asked him how he knew he did not rape the little girl he said in his email to me "I don't know that-- I don't' know one way or the other that is all I will say on this subject." Ok if he does not know then way was this elder and all the other elders letting this level 3 then down to level 2 sex offender hold the babies?

    I shot back at him then if you did not know why did you allow him to hold children for four years and take them into the back room alone and outside alone. This elder said sister Very Stupid "these are issues that are not involved in trying to up build anyone spiritually, and are not appropriate for my comment in this email.

    That is always the pat answer when they are backed into a conner. No wonder they wanted to put the blame on me but they couldn't because I was the one who was throwing the fit about the pedophile holding the children. They really just try to talk around thing. It just wears you down after awhile.

    It is just really sick

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    He was putting this in an email??? OMG He probably realized he had said way too much and it could come back to bite him big time.

    They always have tose tired lines about building spirituality and waiting on Jehovah. Meanwhile how many kids are getting abused by this guy.

    A few years ago it hit the papers that a JW had been arrested for sexual abuse. He was moved from one cong to another. During one meeting I went around the parking lot and put flyers in all the cars about him warning people to be watchful over their children.

    Sounds to me like people need to know about this man. Even if some don't listen they may still keep an eye open. Doubt can be a powerful thing

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