If "Government Turns on Religion"......

by cameo-d 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • porcupine09

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof..."

    Seems pretty clear to me. If anything contrary to that should happen it will be a sure sign that it is time for the men of these States to take up arms against tyranny again, as our forefathers did.

  • OnTheWayOut

    While I agree that government may be corrupt in virtually all cases, and it is tough for one corrupt organization to call out another on their ways, but real true government should have some value in taking care of the people.

    Smaller government would be better, but the law often protects citizens from being victimized by slick conmen. The law necessarily has to get into complicated issues of what kind of commerce is legal or illegal, taking advantage of senior citizens or unwed mothers or hard-working people. There are restrictions on various things that can be marketed or produced or given away.

    Is it too far reaching to "turn on religion" ? Well, the government already has to decide if things that are illegal can remain so if they are done in the name of religion. In the past, people sacrificed virgins and children to their gods. No government will stand by that today. The Mormons and others are not allowed to practice polygamy in the USA- sure we can argue whether that is too far reaching or not, but the government continues to limit religion.

    I like how Russia is saying that Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremist group. I would love to see that world-wide. I don't limit it to just JW's- we can't have suicide groups and child-bride groups and forced labor compounds out there running in the name of their gods, either.

    Let them scream "Persecution" or "See, it's just as prophecy said it would be." Sooner-or-later, even the most staunch JW will tire of waiting for the next fulfillment of WT prophecy after the government turns on religion.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think the UN has already destroyed religion... invisibly in 1975!

    But seriously, throughout history there have been conflicts between government and religion with each getting beaten and bloodied. But what do we see still? Government and religion always return in some form.

    porcupine09, Welcome! I'm not sure about religion, but if the US government tries another liquor prohibition, then I'll be reaching for firearms.

    B the X

  • daniel-p

    I would be more than "uneasy" about it, because it is, among so many other things, none of the government's business.

  • Son of Man
    Son of Man

    That whole "nations turning on religion" thing is just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    They did. It is called the holy war, where nations waged war against the palestinians (nation of Islam) in the Middle East. Do you not read the news or the latest headlines? Christian against muslims? Or whatever people choose to call it has already taken place.......


  • porcupine09


    I don't disagree with any of what you said. But all the things you listed about laws against so called religious practices, are crimes if you disregard and "religious" excuse.

    Sacrificing Virgins= murder

    Polygamy: already illegal

    The meaning of the 1st amendment doesnt confirm a right to practice your religion that violates others' rights (including the right to life) but it does guarantee that whatever religion you choose to practice, it is absolutely none of the gov't's buisiness unless you violate someone else's rights. And in that case it's not the religious issue they are getting involved with, it's the violation of someone else's rights.

    What if next week Congress passes a law that makes Christianity illegal?

    The day may come when they try to destroy the bill of rights.

    We have a right to stand up to oppose that. This is the only point that I'm trying to make

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