End of Year 2001 - Conclusions Drawn

by Celtic 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    My biggest obstacle with people in my life, Celtic, is that they are impatient. They have little tolerance for others' mistakes.

    On the other hand, I am a very caring and patient person. So it feels like people care not for me.

    Of course that is not true. They do.

    But they often fail to see how simple it is to be accepting and open for other people. So it is a lonely world for people with patience and compassion.

    My advice would be to be as patient with others as you can. Be aware of what your needs and wants are and be honest about them. Forget about what you expect to receive, and simply ask.

    Sometimes we make it harder by not asking for things we know we need. Don't hesitate. Despite all our fears, we can only get one of two responses: yes or no.

    Accomodate people where you can help them, but be honest about what you can and cannot do. No matter how much people care about one another, there is never any obligation.

    And of course, courtesy will always benefit you and others.

    Merry Christmas to all


  • 607BCisAbigLIE

    If this can help, my first step of salvation was to put any belief I had aside for a moment, just to focus on myself. I am not talking about narcissism, I am talking about introspection. Tell yourself now that you're freed from that organization, you can do whatever you want. Feel free to think by yourself, not waiting for someone else like you were taught to in the JW to think in your place. You are from now on free to experiment everything you wanted so much but couldn't because of the fear of beeing disfellowshipped. Do not even fear of beeing destroyed in a hypotetic Harmagedon, cause in no way you have to believe it, may it be true or not. It is a good thing for now, as you said, to care less for others and more for yourself. It may appear egocentric, but it is necessary to restrength your power to decide your own way of life. Geting information on sites written from ex-JW may afford great help, and feel free to make research on every aspect of the doctrine you were taugh. You may be surprised of what good information on major issues can provide help to regain some good critical thinking, all for a better understanding of the real world we all live in, a place surprisingly better than you actually think it is.
    Not all things can be seen all white or all black (the Us and Them syndrome, in the WT). There is color everywhere, go out and see for yourself. Don't wait forever a paradise that is going farther everytime you think it's within reach. Thinking you are in somewhat a paradise here at this present time, what I think the actual world is (and I am not a dreamer, i just stopped thinking about the world as a bad place to live, only narrow minded persons make you think it actually is when it's not)it is worth a paradise many times promised but failed to come on time. So go outside, make new friends (although I know it is not easy), feel free to experiment, live your life as you always wanted to live it. It may sounds difficult at this time to do, but it is worth the effort. It will be good to feel free again, believe me.

  • 607BCisAbigLIE

    And when you make that first step to go forward, the next one is just one step away. Think about this one...

  • unclebruce

    G'day Celtic,

    I don't understand you english folk. I really don't. There you live in one of the smallest little countries on earth yet you don't seem to be there for each other. I can understand getting depressed in England but i don't understand other JWD posters making an effort to meet up with you. I've never met Stephanus but if i saw him hurting the way you are i'd fill up the fuel tank and be there for him. (raiding his fridge and drink cupboard as a first priority)

    Good for you I'm not in that part of the world or you'd have more than a port drinking Santa visiting tonight. (Aren't you other english the least bit curious? I'd love to visit cornwall one day)

    best wishes, cyber friend, Lee.

  • ISP

    I think you have to be realistic in the matter of friends. Such relationships need time for trust to be earned. I think the chances are good on the board. We have a lot of common themes and threads that run through all our lives. I would persevere, Mark. BTW I offered to phone you..but you declined! You said you weren't good on the phone or you talked too quick...I can't exactly recall. But I think we should take as many chances as possible.

    Best Wishes.


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