Gleaning work now, not harvest

by eby 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • eby

    The Public Talk speaker today said that some countries like the US are no longer in the harvest work but are now in the gleaning work. Hmmm. Sounds like a creative way to rationalize the lack of increase.


  • ashitaka

    Then they'll be in the "we lost the crop" work.


  • r51785

    Does this mean that the dubs believe the end is coming soon? What thrilling news from the faithful slave! Who would have thought when we became dubs that we would see this old system end!

    r51785 (tongue firmly in cheek)

  • alliwannadoislive

    is this because the harvest crop has been stored in a barn built on land without foundation ?

  • JT

    this new twist on getting the slaves to work harder has been floated around for sometime now- I know back in 97 we had 2 CO's and Bethel speaker who came down for the weekend use this phrase.

    I recall during the lunch break how some of the elders found this to be a "New /exciting poiont"

    man we were just a bunch of damn fools- we were looking for any crumbs to fall from the table of WT and annouce that we had been eating at OutBack steak House

    how sad

  • ElijahTheThird

    *smiles quietly* uhhhmmmm, excuseme, but isnt the "first fruits" of a "harvest" of the SAME KIND? YES!, *grins* There is a hearvesting of Anointed Ones, the 144K were just this, ONLY the FIRST FRUITS! Hell, the "harvest" is just starting! but the borg's "collective" is fast "awakening".

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi eby, et al,

    Much like Brooklyn's arrogance, the rank-and file's gullibility is boundless.

    It reminds me of the little joke about a father who sought to teach his incurably optimistic, Pollyannish son a hard lesson of life. He did this by dumping horse manure all over his the kid's bed.

    ``Daddy, Daddy,! I'm so thrilled! the kid exclaimed. ``Where are you hiding the pony you bought me?!''

    One of Broolkyns most impressive gifts is intellectual alcchemy: in this case, it's spinning shit into gold. What will they come up with next?

  • ISP

    Hey this is soo funny! Gleaning was really a provision for the poor! So what is the speaker saying?! The R+F are 'poor'?! It also gives the impression that the harvest has been carried out! Well it has ...kind of! But the stuff is leaking away!


  • COMF

    but are now in the gleaning work.

    Are you sure he didn't say, "cleaning work"?

    COMF, an alumnus of WWU

  • Scully

    eby writes:

    The Public Talk speaker today said that some countries like the US are no longer in the harvest work but are now in the gleaning work. Hmmm. Sounds like a creative way to rationalize the lack of increase.

    Main Entry: glean
    Pronunciation: 'glEn
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Middle English glenen, from Middle French glener, from Late Latin glennare, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish doglenn he selects
    Date: 14th century
    intransitive senses
    1 : to gather grain or other produce left by reapers
    2 : to gather information or material bit by bit
    transitive senses

    Main Entry: [2]harvest
    Date: 15th century
    transitive senses
    1 a : to gather in (a crop) : REAP b : to gather, catch, hunt, or kill (as salmon, oysters, or deer) for human use, sport, or population control c : to remove or extract (as living cells, tissues, or organs) from culture or a living or recently deceased body especially for transplanting
    2 a : to accumulate a store of <has now harvested this new generation's scholarly labors —M. J. Wiener> b : to win by achievement <the team harvested several awards>
    intransitive senses
    : to gather in a crop especially for food

    Interesting. Both words refer to "gathering". But "harvesting" is a large scale operation of the main gathering-in of a crop; while "gleaning" refers to picking over the left-overs.

    I'm sure that will be SO encouraging to someone who's just been "gleaned" in. "We'll take you because you're all that's left. All the good ones have been 'harvested in' already."

    Rather appropos, really, considering they're feeding on unappetizing, warmed-again, left-over doctrines being served at the table of Jehovah.

    hee hee I've been known to refer to it as the 'hog slop trough of Jehovah' in the past..... I guess this isn't too far from the truth now, is it? <eg>

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

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