Brenda Lee's new video

by isaacaustin 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW_Researcher

    On the YouTube page it seems all the comments are positive except for one that serves as a foil for the poster’s response.

    Some of the comments refer to other comments that don't seem to be present so perhaps the poster is limiting the comments to only favorable comments (with the exception of the foil).

    Here is a typical favorable comment:


    Masterpiece Brenda,the EXJW clips are getting better and better and this is the best.

    Keep up the great work.Love your book and so does my mate.

    Cheers,Danny? Haszard

  • Twitch

    I liked the newsletter she had, never cared for her approach with the video "stunts".

    Mocking someone or their beliefs seems counter-productive IMO.

    But to each their own.

  • startingovernow

    I have to admit that I laughed throughout this video. The "JW woman" could have been my Bible study conductor. Only with I had had someone like Brenda to help me get out from under the fear that gripped me so much that I did not see the truth behind "the Truth."

  • Hope4Others

    It was funny in places, its not going to help too many find there way out though...


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Twitch said it right. Mocking a religion is not a good way to reach people. I don't liked to be mocked, personally.

    The Lennon song was the best part of the whole video.

  • steve2

    So much anti-JW stuff is DEAD serious so it is really refreshing to see a decidely humorous take on the Watchtower - even if some of it is cringe-inducing. Sure, it won't have JWs lining up to hear more (but even the more serious stuff doesn't), but for those of us who've been on the receiving end of the JWs own brand of black humor, it gives a welcome bit of light relief.

  • leavingwt

    So much anti-JW stuff is DEAD serious so it is really refreshing to see a decidely humorous take on the Watchtower - even if some of it is cringe-inducing. Sure, it won't have JWs lining up to hear more (but even the more serious stuff doesn't), but for those of us who've been on the receiving end of the JWs own brand of black humor, it gives a welcome bit of light relief.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I thought it was total crap, like eveything else she makes. To each his own .

  • Alco Cop
    Alco Cop

    I was a JW for 35 years and I like this video. I can certainly understand why current JW kool-aid drinkers would not like the video. I've traveled in 48 states, Mexico, and Canada. I attended meetings at Kingdom Halls in most of those locations and found most witnesses to be needy, insecure, unstable, introverts who are being taken advantage of by a few guys with charisma who are inherently lazy but they like the "elder" set-up.

    Brenda Lee is obviously an intelligent lady who is trying to help JW's, and their bible study subjects, use their powers of reasoning. She wants them to fine tune their BullShit meters and she's using a comical format in an attempt to do this. If a JW or bible study watches this satirical video it won't be long before they will actually hear some JW or Elder or Circus Overseer... use the same verbage and reasoning that the JW 'play actors' use in the video. What's sad is the actual JW players don't see, can't see, or refuse to see how stupid they sound.

    The Truth HURTS!

  • steve2

    Give Brenda Lee credit: Even though the video is satirical - and obviously designed to produce laughter (which is a good antidote to the outrage found in many anti-JW videos) - the script of what the 2 JWs say in response to Brenda's criticism is pretty close to what real JWs would say. If you cut through all the softly-softly crap, JWs are actually saying, "If you don't believe what we believe, Jehovah will destroy you and your children". That's hilarious at one level, but for vulnerable individuals, very scary indeed. Leave the cyanide capsules alone, I say, and roll out the barrel of laughs .

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