Original Carl Oof Johnsson Correspondence with Governing Body

by besty 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • besty

    There was a thread recently where someone said they were helped a lot by seeing letters to and forth between active JWs and the Bethel.

    With that in mind we've put the correspondence between CO Johnsson and Brooklyn on freeminds as downloadable pdf's. These are available elsewhere on the internet but this might help newbies to find them a bit more easily.

    Johnsson Letters To Bethel and their Replies

    Also as a reminder Mary's project is also available for download - all 154 pages :-) :

    Mary's Project

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, Besty! You have a PM.

  • AllTimeJeff

    This is cool!!! I read a summary of the evidence, but haven't had access before... I had already decided that I was going to leave when I started to look at 1914 and 607 BCE. After doing some research, it hastened my letter of resignation.

    It is amazing how dismissive and condescending they are to CO Johnnson. I would think if you had someone with that kind of brain and interest in the material doing real documented research, you would take it and run.

    These letters absolutely prove the intellectual dishonesty and cynicism of the GB and their minions. As well it proves how little they think of the intelligence of their flock. Clearly, its 1914/607 BCE or bust with these guys.

    This is what most don't understand when they meet the GB. THEY HAVE THIS MATERIAL AND KNOW ALL OF THIS!! I met Fred Rusk while at Gilead, he is a company man through and through. He was in on it and did what he was told. He must have all the balls of a shrunken lepherchaun.

    I am out, thank gawd, but wow, what a dupe job the GB continues to pull with their 1914 nonsense.

  • leavingwt

    I've read his book, The Gentile Times Reconsidered. I really enjoyed it.

    (I do not recall if his book contains the letters. I know he definitely relates the story of how he sent the letters to Brooklyn.)

    Thank you for making these letters available in a convenient format.


  • bohm

    that was me properly me! thanks for the link! :-)

  • bohm


    The position of the GB sometimes remind me of the scene with Hitler in "Der Untergang" where he initiates project "volkersturm" (throwing the last civilian under the soviet warmachine in a last attempt to delay the loss for just days or hours) and rationalize it by saying (paraphrasing off the top of my head) "the people has elected me and this course so now they have to follow it through. they has to face the consequences of their actions". I really wonder how they feel, writing about giving the organization power, when they full damn well know that for all intents and purposes, they ARE the organization, and they might as well say give US power.

  • besty

    edited to add that Cyril Chain was the Writing Dept person who replied to Johnsson on the 22nd Feb 1980 - any information on Cyril Chain would be interesting.

  • cabasilas

    Besty: You have another PM.

  • watson

    I enjoyed reading these letters again. Thank you Besty.

  • besty

    no worries watson - its funny to think these letters are 30 years old now - thats one of the most annoying things - for at least 30 years the WTS have been living a lie with regard to 607

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