I Just Told My Two JW Sisters Off

by CrimsonBleu 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    After all these years, the two of them are still 'in' and I have been 'out' over 25 years. Neither of them could ever get along and I always played mediator. They fight and disagree on EVERYTHING! One sister hates the other so bad she is obsessed by it! Worse yet, they try to get me to side with them..... UGH!!!

    They have tried every so often to get me to come back to the organization, but I won't. We have often spoken, eaten, laughed and shared many good times over the years despite the fact they are not supposed to associate with me. I have loved them both dearly.

    One sister who lives close by has recently turned cold and resentful, being short and rude to me. (I know, she is 'supposed' to be, but this time she is really doing a good job!) Just prior to this, the other sister who lives away from here was highly offended at my blatant dislike of the WT organization and quit talking to me. So neither are talking to me....because I am turning on them the way they are to turn on me. I told BOTH of them to not speak with me except concerning strictly family matters, that I did not want to see them or talk with them.

    I am doing to them the same thing their organization tells them to do to me. I cut them off. Both sisters have dumped their drama and caused me much pain over the years, and I cannot trust either of them.

    I told them both at lest now they DO have ONE thing in common...hating me.

    So I cut them off. What would Jesus have done? Your thoughts please.

  • jambon1


    Never mind what Jesus would have done. You'll never be that perfect so give yourself a break huh?

    Jehovah's Witnesses who shun others are pure filth IMO. I just don't see any humanity in people acting this way.

    At one time my neighbour JW elder smart ass decided he wouldn't speak to me (even though I'm not d/f'd). Fair enough I thought. Lets see how he likes it. So I shunned him back.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What would Jesus have done?

    Just as I might have done differently, or another person who comments here might say different, it really doesn't matter.
    You have to decide what you can put up with and do what you need to do for your own peace of mind.

    I might have tried to reach a truce on WT discussion. "You guys don't try to drag me in and I won't try to dray you out."
    But it sounds like you are way past that point.

    Welcome to the forum.

  • rebel8


    There is no reason to maintain toxic relationships. Shared DNA is not a ball and chain. It's just a few microscopic cells.

    People who truly love you treat you with love and respect. They don't lack the basic manners taught in kindergarten.

  • leavingwt


    You must do what is right for you.

    In some cases, ending "toxic" relationships is a good thing.

    You may have to adjust, as needed, in the future.


  • CrimsonBleu

    I do feel much better, slept better last night, felt great this morning! I had to do it for my own sanity....and I do not deserve to be the subject of their emotional turmoil. Thank you all.

  • reniaa

    I noticed no-one has answered you yet on what Jesus would have done but do you need telling?

    Mark 11:25
    And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Reniaa, how does that jive with disfellowshipping?

  • cognac

    Reniaa brings out a good point. Forgiveness brings a certain amount of peace within yourself and you become more content because of it. That doesn't mean, imho, that you have to purposely continue to allow toxic relationships in your life as the bible says, "bad associations spoil useful habits". This might be the case in your situation.

    Anyways, welcome!

  • isaacaustin


    Sounds like crimson is not holding a grudge...has simply chosen to distance herself from toxic relationships.

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