How Did It Feel To Post Here For The First Time?

by Yizuman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    When you first came to this site (and possibily lurked a while) and then you made your very first post on this site. How did it feel? Scared? Nervous? Felt like gonna get hit by lightening? Demons jump out of the monitor and bite you on the nose? (Just kidding about the last one)

    Please share your first posting experience....


  • Snoozy

    All the above...


    How are you and wifey doing Yizman?

  • verystupid77

    Scared out of my mind. For days I was sure that I could get found out.

    Going to the meetings I felt like I had this huge sign on me telling everyone

    that I was posting here. I thought for sure the elders could tell. But then nothing

    happened and I was so glad to know the truth about the truth. It is kind of neat now

    because I know things before everyone else and when they say to me did

    you here the rummer about the pioneer hours changing, I am like what the pioneer hours are going to

    change really are you sure. Who told you. They just look at me and say well some friend somewhere and then

    I wonder are you looking here also?

  • Yizuman

    How are you and wifey doing Yizman?

    We're doing fine. Thank you for asking. She just ate her breakfast while woofing down her bacon. She thinks everything should taste like bacon.

    She's watching TV and chillin' back in her throne (medical bed, but I call it the "throne" because she really likes her medical bed, very comfortable and she likes pillows underneath her arms. That's why it looked like a throne, but hey baby, she's my queen anyway. Let her have at it.)


  • mouthy

    I was already running a support group for those who were coming out,when one of them( a newbie)
    named Attila.Told me I should be on here.& showed me how to get on & take part.
    (Attila I will be ever greatful)They have all become my family....even those who hate me...
    But everytime I see verystupid77 on here I jump in,because I REALLY do think she should change her name
    to VERY SMART 77 ..... SO glad folks are finding Simon & Angies"sitting room" for us all to exchange ideas, & love
    Have a good day to you all

  • AllTimeJeff

    It wasn't a big deal for me, I checked out well before hand. I was a little nervous if other friends I knew secretly read here and at Ronnies, but that didn't stop me... (obviously)

    I guess it would be safe to say that it was a bit surreal.... Like, "I never imagined myself here...."

  • Heaven

    I was nervous and excited all in one! I was a bit frightened I'd be verbally slammed since I am not really a JW... just have family that are and my life has definitely been affected by them. I wasn't worried about demons or anything like that. I enjoy very much the humour here!

    I am very grateful to everyone who has shared their experiences and knowledge to help me understand more about this organization and to confirm my suspicions. I wasn't just imagining what I had experienced and felt years ago as a child and teen.

  • mrsjones5

    It felt great. I had already been on one board (Tishie's, I think that's how you spell her name) and hung out a lot in the jw room on yahoo. When the custom rooms got shut down (used to be able to create a chatroom on yahoo) I came here officially (used to be a lurker).


  • Badger

    Dipping a foot in the pool. It was nervous, cold at first, but then I got used to it.

    And once in, I ignored all those people who warned me of drowning or cramping up.

  • Yizuman


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