Weird stuff individuals believe

by bluecanary 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bluecanary

    Parrot, we were married within 5 months. I didn't have enough time to commit fornication or be aware of nuttiness.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Now, that, blue, was nutty on YOUR part.

  • bluecanary

    No argument there, Spike. No argument there.

  • JWoods

    One old sister (the lady that studied with my mom) thought that the annointed would float around the earth to help us in the new system - like put you back if you fell off a cliff or something...

    She also thought that these annointed would "get their power from the sun", "because we all know that the sun is an everlasting immortal thing".

    She also believed that soon Russia and America (king of north and south) would soon be "making war on the moon" because they had (at least U.S. had) sent astronauts to the moon. Claimed there was a scripture that plainly said there would be "blood on the moon". (actually, I heard some of this even from assembly talks - off the written outline probably).

    Circuit overseer who believed that petroleum came exclusively from squashed dinosaurs, and that this was god's reason for making them. Wonder where he thought coal came from...(careful with this one...)

  • JWoods

    Sorry to double post, but forgot to mention that Annie really thought that from time to time in field service (when she kind of forgot what scripture to find to make a point) her bible would just magically (well - angelically) fall open to just the right place and there it would be.

    She was such a nice old lady that I never said a word.

    I did nail that little creep of a circuit overseer, though, on the dinosaurs. He claimed he was still right because Sinclair had one on their signs...

    Oh well...

  • megs

    My mom wouldn't let me have peacock feathers or opal's because she thought they were bad luck (she still thinks this)...

  • undercover

    Funny thread...

    What would be cool would be to get a group of dubs to name silly things that people believe and then throw in some of the silly things that dubs have believed, like the Smurf thing or that men shouldn't tip their hats or that wind chimes invite demons and watch their reaction.

    Worst case...they chastise you for making fun of their beliefs. Best case...some actually see that some things that they believe are as silly as those on the outside of the JW world. Either way, a point was made.

  • Farkel

    When I was a dub, I took pride in that fact that we weren't the least bit superstitious!

    What an idiot I was! Dubs are most superstitious people I know!


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I'd say Catholics can be much more superstitious, and so can animists, from my experience, anyway

  • heybaby

    I had an elder announce at the book study that witnesses can't eat turkey on thanksgiving day

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