How many here have worked in social work, etc. & DON'T think MJ was a molester?

by avishai 124 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • orbison11

    apparently there are two known young men mj had a sexual relationship with,,,,

    the info is out there, on the net

    and who the heck would pay $20,000,000.00 to a family to have them not speak of molestation

    and then a couple of years later another $10,000.000.00 to another young boys family?

    today tv said he spent over $200,000,000.00 (payouts lawyers etc) on the child molestation issues

    who does that is innocent?


  • iveseenthelight

    I can't help but wonder why no one tried to get real help for him a long time ago. I mean a looooooooong time ago

    Becasue people are always comes down to money. He made great news, he sold tabloids...why would anyone want to cash in their money cow? The people closest to him should feel bad for not helping him in his time of need.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    There's a great series of articles by Maureen Orth on the Vanity Fair website, dating back to the first molestation trial.

    h ttp://

    Michael Jackson Is Gone, but the Sad Facts Remain

    by Maureen Orth June 26, 2009 , 11:53 am

    In August 1993, I was on the beach in Nantucket when I was told that Vanity Faireditor Graydon Carter was trying to reach me: Michael Jackson had just been accused of child molestation by a 13-year-old boy. Thus began an odyssey of 12 years in which I wrote five lengthy articles for the magazine about the trials and tribulations of this music icon whose fame had literally deformed him. I spoke to hundreds of people who knew Jackson and, in the course of my reporting, found families who had given their sons up to him and paid dearly for it. I found people who had been asked to supply him with drugs. I even found the business manager who told me on-the-record how he had had to wire $150,000 to a voodoo chief in Mali who had 42 cows ritually sacrificed in order to put a curse on David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and 23 others on Jackson’s enemies list. I sat through two trials and watched his bizarre behavior on the stand when he said he did not recognize his publicist of a decade. One of the reasons I endured this not-fun circus was that, when I began, I was the mother of a boy roughly the same age as the ones Jackson was so interested in spending the night with. His behavior truly troubled me. Understandably, in the wake of his death, there are those who do not want to hear these sad facts. Yet nothing that Vanity Fair printed was ever challenged legally by Jackson or his associates.

    A man who made great music and entertained brilliantly has died. I’ve been told that he had endured an eight-hour rehearsal and was in rare form on the stage the night before his death. I’ve also been told that the lawyers swooped in yesterday to retrieve all the videos that had been made of these rehearsals. I believe the aftermath of his death will probably be as messy as his life was. I loved his music. Offstage, he could not escape his tragic flaw.

  • BizzyBee

    Thanks for this link, HempLover. I saw Maureen Orth interviewed last week as a sort of quasi-expert on MJ. She was unequivocating, adamant even a little angry still, I think, that Jackson escaped punishment. He was clearly guilty of the charges, yet his celebrity status and sad childhood lent him sympathy.

    Fortunately, the trial did cause him to modify his behavior where children were concerned, thank God.

  • trueblue

    I am not a social worker or anything like that but I have been a victim of child abuse physically and mentally I was beaten by JW's not sexually abused thank God for that.

    I would not believe it myself that I would beat on another kid but I have been told that I probably would unless I had counceling.

    I do not want to take that chance that may-be I am in self denial, and take a chance to pass a sickness on to another kid, so I will not allow myself to be near another child unless some one else is very close by.

    This is just a hunch on my part but if Michael Jackson is a child molester than someone within Jehovah's organization pretending to be JW living a double life but acually is a child molester, sexually molested Michael Jackson.

    And Michael Jackson left the JW's because he did not want to tell what happened to him.

    And that is why Michael Jackson was so determand to help the children.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Vanity Fair |

    From world affairs to entertainment, business to fashion, crime to society, Vanity Fair is a cultural catalyst that drives the popular dialogue globally.

    Go to a cultural magazine to get your facts. After Vanity Fair be sure to check People and next try the Inquirer.

  • Dagney

    Ok, I read the first of her articles and I feel like I need a shower after reading about that boy's family. Poor thing. I think more damage was done to him by being around that bunch than anything else, sorry. It was a very comprehensive read, but heresay for the most part as far as bringing charges. But those $$$$ in their eyes.

    There is one thing certain for me, and that is MJ's behavior and choices were stooopid, naive, ridiculous... But we will never know what really happened, or I should say, I won't believe it until I see a video. Boy, feel sorry for that kid.

    I had a good friend, a best friend really, who was a brother with similar issues as MJ. Extremely sensitive, liked to entertain the young boys in the hall, an over romantic view of female relationships. He did end up gay, and it had a tragic ending. I think of him every day, and it makes me sad and I still miss even though he has been gone 8 years. I see so many similarities...I'm not sure I ever really thought about the gay aspect before. MJ just seemed so drugged and asexual. I always thought he must be on antidepressants to function...I mean many people I know need them to function in a life 1% as complicated as MJ. Antidepressants can ruin a normal sex drive, and I felt in his case, that was probably good, and a protection...maybe. Just thinking out loud.

    Boy...what a circus.

  • shamus100


    You said it right... what a circus. How can you be at all normal after that nutty upbringing.

    I think strongly that he molested some boys, but I can agree to disagree with everyone on this.

    Except I am always right, so everyone else is wrong no matter what. YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU, FHN. NYEAH NYEAH NYEAH NYEAH NYEAH!! YEAH, VANITY FAIR IS MY FAVORITE MAGAZINE... YA GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??? OOOOOH!!! OOOOHH!!!

    Aw hell, my psychosis is gone now... never mind. I love you again...

  • TMS

    I'm not convinced Jackson was a sexual predator.

    I've known three child molesters personally and observed others. My father was a child molester. When I was in my early twenties I replaced a Congregation Servant or Overseer who was a child molester. Later in life I closely observed a JW elder who cleverly hid his molestations for a number of years. All three men had voracious sex drives and to varying extents bully personalities. Before you rush to describe these observations as stereotypical, let me just say that I'm just sharing my personal life experience.

    Little about Michael Jackson seems normal. Does the phrase "arrested development" fit? Do you think he can function sexually? Without being too graphic, do you think he's capable of providing sperm for insemination? Recently a story aired about a sixteen year old girl who never developed beyond infancy. I view Jackson somewhat similarly as not developing psychologically, mentally beyond preteen. I've never heard him say anything that couldn't have been said by a twelve year old.

    Jackson made an inexcusably stupid statement about sharing a bed with his friends and evidently shared wine with underage visitors. That circumstantial evidence alone would be enough for a judicial committee of Jehovah's Witnesses. But it's not enough for me. I'm not certain about this.


  • BizzyBee

    I agree with most of what you say TMS, but there are child molesters who are not aggressive at all: they are patient, indulgent, gentle and nearly passive. They spend more time "grooming" the child (which they genuinely enjoy) and the sexual payoff is almost secondary. But they are ultimately relentless. I believe MJ was of this type. He may never have actually gone beyond touching and playing, tickling and hugging. But that could be very damaging to a child who realizes that this doesn't "feel right."

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