Still haven't found the One...

by Newborn 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    but I'm much less desperate than 6 months ago...thank god!! ha ha ha

    I've been dating a little bit and have been enjoying my freedom a lot!!!

    However, it would be nice to meet someone who falls madly in love with me one of these days.


  • snowbird

    You precious darling, you.

    Just hang in there; he'll come along when you least expect it.

    Just don't settle for any playas. Do you hear me?

    Remember my last threat? It still applies.


  • LouBelle

    there is no ONE for me - well I seriously doubt it. I reckon I'll be single to the end of my days. I'm happy though.

    Newborn - you got to come on over and we can hit the night life girl - I have a feeling you and I would have a blast together. I know you're faaaaaaaar away at the moment......ever visit the UK? I'll definately be there in August of 2010!!!

    So all you Brits - we need to have a meetup when I'm in town --- granted it's still a year away. It is definite though! First family wedding!!! I'll need a date for that.

    Reniaa - you keen for a coffee or a pint? We can talk politics instead of religion

  • Priest73

    There's always John Doe.

  • Newborn

    Dear Sylvia, thank you!!

    Seems as if those players are drawn to me...but don't worry I will not settle with one of those...I PROMISE!!!! If I meet anyone, I'll send him to you for approval.

    Loubelle, I'm sure we'd have a blast together and I'm sure there's someone out there for you, if you want! Will try to be in UK August 2010.

    Love love love

  • Newborn

    Has anyone met Mr. Doe? First of all, is he single?

    If so, details please

  • Priest73
    Has anyone met Mr. Doe? First of all, is he single?
    If so, details please

    I hear he has a "great personality"

  • drwtsn32

    Post your picture and we'll see what we can do.

  • snowbird
    If I meet anyone, I'll send him to you for approval.

    Now, you're talking!

    *putting back on my earrings*

    Pssst! I wouldn't tetch that John Doe if I were you.

    He might be poisonous.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Newborn! had me at "Hello."

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