My son attacked by militant Vegans

by beksbks 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • doofdaddy

    Hey Rodbar

    Looks like (by your avatar) that you have partied enough!!

    Van Gough??

  • ColdRedRain

    "But it's the way we are made. We are meant to eat other animals."

    Try saying that while chasing down a rabbit or a chicken.

    "I agree with humane as possible treatment, but good grief, supplements are a modern invention. Obviously not natural."

    Much like your microwave. On that same point, cooking in general is a relativley modern invention. Mind eating your meat raw without cooking? Hell, the only meat you can probably eat "naturally" would be carrion, since we're slow, weak bipeds and can't catch any of the animals we commonly eat, and I hear that doesn't go well without cooking.

    "Frankly I think it belittles the human. We are the top of the chain."

    We're slow, weak bipeds. Our only skill is the ability to retain and pass down knowledge. Other than that, any knowledge on how to kill creatures for food without firearms or special tools have been long forgotten as we learned animal husbandry and tools. Without those, we're fair game for gators, big cats, sharks and bears.

    "We don't need much, and that is where I think we should focus and try to change thinking. "

    We need plants to flavor and feed meat. So you meat eaters eat the meat and the veggies.

    "All animal life subsists on eating other lives, plant or animal. Those healthy, nonviolent vegetables and grains vegans like to eat came from cultivated fields that kill animals indirectly be reducing their habitats or directly through use of farm machinery (killing ground-nesting birds, for example).

    No human is without blood on their hands, no matter what they eat."

    Hence, why most vegs go organic. I'm poor so I can't go organic, but I've probably killed involuntarially about 1% of the animals you have killed eating meat by eating nonorganic. That's probably like an entire chicken a year. But the goal of veganism isn't to avoid killing animals at all costs, but rather, reduce your animal footprint. Again, about an entire chicken a year. I don't even try to kill bugs unless I have an infestation.

    "Monkeys can turn to cannibalism. I have tried the tasty meat, and it tastes between guinea pig and rat. Kinda has a bit of termite in it too."

    If you're going to eat meat, at least eat it from an animal that isn't closely related. That's how wonderful viruses like HIV, foamy mouth virus and HLTV III jumped species. Eat a jellyfish. It's the closest thing to a plant you can eat and you won't get any viruses.


    So it's not okay to kill animals for food, but it's okay to KILL plants for food?

    Plants DO have feelings, and they DO scream when you kill them."


  • rebel8

    These arguments against vegetarian diets are so old and tired.

    I'm surprised no one has brought up the complete protein argument yet. (And then there's quinoa.)

    Objective: We definitely evolved on an omnivore diet. We definitely can be healthy on an herbivore diet now.

    Subjective: It's a personal decision.

    PS-I hate big business when it sustains its profit by lies, much like wts. It's one of my pet peeves. The meat industry has done this. Many of the myths about protein/meat/vegetarianism we believe in America originated with the meat industry. The US government helped spread the misinformation in order to help the farmers.

    Interesting book on the subject: Diet for a Small Planet

  • beksbks

    Read it, lived it rebel8

  • parakeet

    CRR: Hence, why most vegs go organic.

    Organic has nothing to do with it. Organic grain needs as much space to grow as grain treated with insecticides. Habitat loss and killing of ground-nesting birds happen whether the grain is organic or not.

    I try, as much as possible, to eat free-range chicken. I live in a farming area and am able not only to buy free range chicken and eggs at the farms they've been raised in, I can even inspect the conditions first-hand. If the animals are are humanely raised and the slaughter is quick, humans are simply replacing other predators that used to feed on them.

    What I find sickening is the big meat industry and how the animals are raised and slaughtered. I've seen trucks loaded to the roof with chicken crates, the chickens stuffed inside, the truck racing 65 mph down the highway in freezing weather. Most of the chickens looked dead already. The same treatment goes for cattle, who arrive at mass slaughterhouses, and spend their last hours of life in pain and terror. These practices are wrong, not the eating of meat per se.

  • shamus100


    Some people can handle the vegetarian diet. Some can handle a vegan diet. Most CANNOT. I cannot. The vegans that I knew were so sickly looking I wanted to slap some colour into they're cheeks, inbetween them talking about how bad pasta was for you...

    I was a vegetarian for a while... it ended when I was craving a hamburger for six months. I gave up, and never looked back.

    Plus meat is delicious!

  • beksbks

    The point of this thread was not to argue the best diet. It was meant as an example of how when some groups "find god", they are not content with that, but must judge and preach to others who have not found the same god.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I don't care what anyone else does. I, however, am not going to forsake my carnivorous background and desires.

  • beksbks

    By the way rebel8, I agree with you to a point about the powerful meat industry. But you might want to look into soy. Not only is there concern over some of it's effects, but it is one of the most powerful food lobbies out there, along with corn. Take a look through your cabinet, and see how much soy and corn there is in there.

    As for Frances Moore Lappe, the answer is not to drastically change the human diet, it's to stop procreating at the great rate we have been.

  • shamus100


    God, food, porn, sports, cars, veganism,

    We all have our religion - weather we want to admit it or not.

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