Things that Annoy Me in Grocery Stores - How About You ?

by flipper 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Dinah, daddy longlegs, also called grand daddies or harvestmen, release a stinking odor to protect themselves against predators.

    They nest by enwrapping those long legs with each other.

    There are a lot more sayings we have down here!

    Tee hee hee.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I don't get annoyed in grocery stores, so long as it's not overly crowded.

  • chickpea

    horror stories! omg, people!
    how do you face a trip to
    those hell-on-earth enterprises!?!
    i am feeling agoraphobic!

    (agora: greek for market!) ;)

  • mrsjones5

    "Oh my gosh! That was my store Leo! Was that you sitting there?? Honey Bunny is a tech geek. We were in that place at least once a week. Some girls get diamonds and pearls, I get gadgets and memory and networks and printers.............. "

    Beks, you and hubby could be running buddies. It's just not a civilized place of there is no Fry's for hubby. Fry's opened up in Indiana about 4 years ago and hubby was one of their first customers.

    Now my kids love Fry's. I get bored there.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I think if I had a rude cashier, I'd just want her to apologize and lighten up, I wouldn't demand her job. Cashiers usually come by their bad attitudes honestly: many customers are demanding, spoiled pains in the asses. I've read on JWD before, "Well, it's your job. The customer is the reason you have that job." Yeah, but it's not your job to put up with unneccesary abuse from customers, just because they didn't manage their time or lives well and are in a big hurry. Or just because they're having emotional issues. It's not your fault your store has policies that piss off the customers. It's not your fault that your customers hate to wait in line because we live in a world of instant gratification. It's not your fault that their item didn't scan right and you have to call for help, which takes time.

    A little politeness and a smile goes a long way.

    Here's a little story from yesterday. I was providing breaks for the demo people. One of my demos involved pulling the wooden sticks out of Healthy Choice fudge bars, cutting the bars into two bite pieces, placing them in cups on a tray. Placing most of the cups in the freezer next to me so they wouldn't melt and keeping the cart, utensils, freezer door and glass clean, etc. It was a day when groups (hoards) of customers would swarm your cart all at once. They'd clean your visible tray of samples, the rotation tray and all of the ones you had in the freezer, making it necessary to catch up and leaving everything covered in drippy, sticky chocolate.

    Two girls who looked to be about 16 came and got some samples. Then the girls came again with their mom. Then as mom was walking away, they came back for thirds. I gave them a gentle version of THE LOOK. Then they came back over the fourth time. Giggling. They asked, "can we have more icecream?" I looked at them and said, "Well, yes, you can have more samples. But these will be your fourth samples and you should know that you are making it difficult for me to keep up. But sure, go ahead and have fourths." Then I smiled. They looked a little embarrassed and suddenly aware of their rudeness. They turned and as they walked away, with quickening steps, they said, "Well, we should probably just buy some." And then I didn't see them again.

    People come in and boast that they are there for the "free lunch". They come into Costco just to eat, they brag. "Oh no, we don't have a membership, we come in just to eat." I can usually be patient with them. But on a Saturday when you are doing a cooking demo and it's very challenging to keep up and keep your cart and a 12 foot perimeter around your cart clean... It's aggravating to have people with 6 kids come and clean off an entire tray of samples and then brag they only came for lunch. And then they come for seconds and thirds. Its annoying when people refuse to take samples off the current tray and reach over the splash guard to grab from the tray you are preparing. It's annoying when they see 30 people waiting for samples at your cooking demo and they tell you, "Oh yes, we buy these all the time. We have six cases at home." And then they make sure their five kids all have some and they take some for granny who is over in the deli and husband who is over in electronics and Cousin Wilbur who is visiting from the prairie.

    But, mostly on Saturdays, people just forget their manners and I am patient with them, while they begin to look like hoards of zombies starving for brains and I imagine calling for back up from the National Guard.

  • Leolaia

    beksbks....LOL maybe. My favorite chair was the "King Kong" brand, and it got used so much towards the end it looked like it was in tatters. And now it is gone. :( I like the Sunnyvale store....clean, neat, and very expansive. Their ads in the Sunday newspapers are also great too; I would enjoy reading them to see what all the "deals" are supposed to be this week. I guess I enjoy the colorful full-page ads as much as I liked the Sunday comics as a kid.

  • m.seagull

    just about everything. worst of all people who nearly push you over to get something you're standing directly in front of, like today.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the comments ! M. Seagull Welcome to the board my friend ! Sorry you got pushed around in the grocery store. It is crazy

  • m.seagull

    thanks flipper!

  • flipper

    M. Seagull- No problem, look forward to reading your posts

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