Reniaa I haven't commented on any of your threads because to me its just an exercise of futility.
Even when you've been shown many times where the WTBTS have been wrong you still will take their side.
So I usually won't waste my time or yours or others time to respond.
But I had to take just a few brief moments to type something here in simple terms that even a child can understand.
You said that its not wrong to be in expectation of the end (or similar above) and rightly so.
Many bible writers were looking with expectation of the things coming upon the earth and prophecy being fulfilled.
I have no problem with people being in expectation. The problem comes when dates are set. Show me just one scripture
where the bible writers set a specific date for something to happen and when it didn't they revised the date.
According to Acts 1:6,7 [NWT] it's not going to be given to men when the kingdom of god is set up. Here's the direct quote.
When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”
He said to them: “It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in
his own jurisdiction"
This is in direct opposition to telling people a certain date that the kingdom was set up in (1914)
Here's a simple illustration so it won't go over to many peoples heads..
Say my brother tells me he's going to come and visit me this week. I'm all excited and eagerly awaiting his visit.
Nothing wrong with that. But if I go tell others my brother said he would be at my house on Sunday and make all
these arrangements then I would look foolish to them if he didn't show up on Sunday since he said this week
and didn't give a specific day. He may wait until Friday to come over. It would be wrong for me to pick a date for him
since he himself didn't set it. But i would know the season (in this case within a week) so nothing wrong with me
being in expectation of his visit.
Anyhow I'm not sure what your agenda is but I hope you keep "making sure of all things" and hold fast to what is fine.
One last scripture in closing, its in Acts 17:26,27
And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed
the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men], for them to seek God, if they might grope for him
and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us
That one scripture sums it all up. We don't need organized religion because God is not far from each one of us.
And in closing I hope all you guys/gals are having a wonderful summer and enjoying it as much as I am