Have you become too cynical? How did you overcome it?

by YoursChelbie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    The JW's thing was my mothers problem, it was her cult, she raised me in it.

    I suspected something wasnt right and fortunately they hung themselves with 1975.

    When 76 came around I was on my way out.

    When I finnally left for good in 83, I didnt play their game.

    I didnt make any public announcements, I didnt get dissfellowshipped or dissassociated.

    I just didnt associate with jehovahs witnesses.

    I did that for about 10 years.

    So my family in the tower knew were I was coming from and that I play hard ball.

    Since I never did anything wrong on record I still get invited to family get togethers.

    Tonight I went to a get together with my wifes family 3 elders and a ministerial servant,

    We drank beer talked about music, watched the discovery channel ate dinner which they

    prayed over and hung out till 11.

    If you dont care knowbody can play/screw with you.

    If you care and walk around with a chain everybody will yank it.

    People are assholes.

    But the world is full of people and I dont care whether they want to see me

    or not.

    It turns out they want to see me a whole lot more than I want to see them.

    The same with my wife she left the tower 10 years after I did, the same way

    no annoucnments no punishments and we get invited to all the family get togethers.

    My wife comes from a large Italian family, that is either related to or knows half of Cleveland.

    Now those members of the family that got their tit caught in the proverbial ringer

    they arent invited.

    They are piriahs as far as I can see pretty much by their own choice.

    From my experience in the tower 31 years, you have to be stupid or beg them to dissfellowship

    you to get dissfellowshiped.

    If I went crying to some asshole telling him everything I did and felt I would have been

    kicked out back in the 60's before I was even baptized.

    Loose lips sink ships.

    If you dont let them in your business, they dont know your business.

    Too answer your question.

    Yes I am cynical.

    The world is full of backstabbers who will cut your throat and run over you

    with their bus and most of them are not in the kingdumb hall.

    How do I overcome it. I drink a 12 pack of beer every weekend

    And during the week I say the serenity prayer

    "God help me to accept the things I can not change.

    Give me the courage to Change the things I can.

    And give me the wisdom to know the difference.

    Most of the JW's I know are and were good people.

    I just know there is something wrong with the organization.

    God would not prophecy falsely and they have. 1975

    Then the organization lies and back peddals and gives the blame to

    the flock.

    I cant belong to something like that.

    The people for the most part are good, and honest but they cant see that their

    emperor has no clothes on.

    They cant see their wizzard of ozz behind the curtain.

    There is some kind of dissconnect in their brain.

    Im kind of pissed off that the organization is a fraud, because I left a lot of good

    people behind.

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