Family Outraged After Officer Shoots Their Dog

by Yizuman 15 Replies latest social current

  • Yizuman


    Reported by: Lynn Giroud
    Photographed By: Jeremy Glover
    Web Produced By: Neil Relyea
    Last Update: 3:29 pm

    Slideshow The Bullock family's dog "Jack."

    CINCINNATI -- A Blue Ash family is outraged after returning home to find their dog had been shot and killed by a police officer.

    The dog was a Chihuahua-mix named “Jack” that Scott and Sharon Bullock had given to their 12-year-old son for his birthday a few years ago.

    When the Bullocks returned home from a family member's funeral on Friday, they found blood and three bullets on their front porch – along with a note to call the Blue Ash Police Department about their dog.

    The Bullocks were shocked to learn that Jack had gotten out of the backyard and two officers who tried to catch him, ended up shooting and killing him right on the family's front porch.

    "He was cornered on the porch and scared," said Sharon Bullock. "The officer bent down bare-handed to pick up Jack, and Jack bit him."

    "My five-year-old cried himself to sleep the night before last, wanting his dog," said Sharon Bullock.

    "He ‘barks’ for him" added Scott Bullock. "He'd ‘bark’ and Jack would always come to him, so he's outside going ‘Bark bark bark,’ hoping he's gonna come back. It's heartbreaking."

    The Bullocks told their five-year-old and three-year-old sons that Jack ran away.

    The Bullocks admit they were at fault for leaving their dog outside, and are sorry the officer was bitten, but they say their dog was not a vicious animal and had never bitten anyone before.

    They're wondering why the officers didn't call the SPCA to catch the dog.

    "They didn't make that phone call other than to come scoop the dog off the porch after they shot him," said Scott Bullock. "Two grown men that can't gather up a five-pound dog – and they're trained police officers – sounds ridiculous to me."

    That officer later explained to the family that he was following procedure.

    Blue Ash police say one of the officers was bitten on both hands. One hand was bitten 17 times and the other was bitten nine times.

    The dog was holding on so tight he left one of his teeth in the officer's hands.

    An officer attempted to tase the dog while another officer was holding him, but it did not work, so they had to shoot the animal.

    Blue Ash police say the officers handled the situation according to department policy.

    The only reason why cops are stupid is because....

  • cameo-d

    The family should be grateful that the officers shot that little s*%^. If he was such a vicious biter he would eventually have hurt their child.

    If a dog bit me 9 times on one hand, he wouldn't have been around to bite me another 17 times on the other one!

    Police officers were justified.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I don't believe the 9 and 17 times. If it bit and didn't let go, how did it bite that many times? Don't believe it.

  • BurnTheShips

    Wow, shooting people...that's one thing. But dogs? That is just evil.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Sounds to me like the cops were justified. Owners did not contain their dog, and the dog bit a human. End of story, case closed.

  • BurnTheShips
    End of story, case closed.

    I appeal to the higher court of Canine wisdom. That cop was probably evil, and the dog could smell it.


  • MissingLink

    That dog did not bite anyone 26 times! Freakin lying pigs. Who would let themselves be bitten 26 times!? They should at least be arrested for filing a false report.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Um did anyone notice this was a Chuahua cross smaller then a Puppy! Bit 20 times he must be the dumbest Keystone cop in U.S history....I think the gun toting cop got mad after a bite and shot him dead.....suprised he didn't miss such a tiny dog..... took three bullets not easy....on the other hand, it could have malled a baby Rat to death!

    On Youtube a cop Tasers a Pitbull instead of shooting it which he had a right to do......big difference to this story!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    American Cops! Killing puppies and Tasering your Grandma.....all in the line of duty folks, can I git a YEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAA!

  • BurnTheShips

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