I commented about apostates today at the meeting

by cognac 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I couldn't help myself. It was so obnoxious what the paragraph was saying about apostates.

    So I said that having a difference of opinion is not a problem but really as brought out by Thessolonians it is when a person raises themselves up above God to have people follow them instead of God that they are considered bad in God's eyes.

    I don't even know if it had anything to do with the question, but I just wanted to say that, lol.

  • cognac

    Btw, I'm now having a shepparding call sometime this week, lol...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    You in trouble now! Would have been better if you stood up and yelled: "I'M AN APOSTATE...HA HA HA HA......" and then run out of the hall.

  • Scott77


    Wow, thank for the boldness in you. True, you spoke from the heart. This is an admiration and a strength. That's the way the WTS wants us to be . I think the shepharding visit is rediculous and an intimidateion tool to silence you or retool your thinkinig in line with the WTS Corporation. Pleaese, never give up. Be firm.


  • carla

    Really? The sheparding call is directly related to your comment? or just a general 'not towing the line' call?

  • cognac

    Would have been better if you stood up and yelled: "I'M AN APOSTATE...HA HA HA HA......" and then run out of the hall.


    Really? The sheparding call is directly related to your comment? or just a general 'not towing the line' call?

    don't no, don't care...


    Your not going to get away with that 2 many times....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Congratulations on your boldness. Doesn't it feel good to be totally honest? Don't let them intimidate you. Keep it up.

  • leftbelow

    Very nice comment Sister Cognac. Your comments are always so encouraging.

  • Brocephus

    You are definitely in trouble now! I actually remember a time about 15 years ago where that comment would have been ok. Seems like the grip is tighter, I thank God every day I am out.

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