When is it time to say goodbye?

by PEC 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    THe age is the thing that makes me feel that way. I had a dog Kitzie,A Samoyed
    14 yrs of age. she was doing that also. My Vet suggested "sleep" because it was
    cancer... I know how hard that is. I cried for days... I have her picture on my wall

    Um, a cat is not the same as a dog. Cats usually live longer. An acquaintance of mine had a cat that lived to be almost 28 years old. My son't cat is going on 19. 14 is young for a cat.

  • Snoozy

    I had to take my daughters cat to be put to sleep. It's been about a year ago. She couldn't do it and her Hubby was out of town. She went with me and sat in the waiting room, well they had prepared Smokey, shaved his little paw for the needle..he was so weak he couldn't raise his head. I held his paw. My daughter came in because she though it was all over but they were just getting ready to put him to sleep. She wouldn't leave after that and I am glad she stayed. She got to see him peacefully drift off to sleep. It put her heart to rest that he was no longer suffering.

    She waited way to long to put her doggie down and I told her not to do that this time..you really can tell when it is time.

    I am so sorry you had to lose your little pet but as you know it is for the best. It hurts terribly for a while but soon it becomes a distant memory. And I get a smile on my face remembering the cute little things he did as I am sure you will ...


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Robdar-----acquaintance of mine had a cat that lived to be almost 28 years old. My son't cat is going on 19. 14 is young for a cat.

    Some people can live to 120 years, Does that mean we all will live to that age.

    I never heard of a Cat living 28 years. Maybe 18 or 19 years old.

    You are not here to know how bad my Cat was. We tried more then one Vet.

    I had a Dog that lived to 16 years of age, But I don't expect everybody Dog to live that long.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Sad emo-----We new it was time, it was hard to put Carmel down. Snicker is getting better, he still has a Temperature and his side hurts.

    Mary----Yes it was the hardest decision we had to make. I didn't know Turtles live that long, they out live us.

    Magwitch----Thank You, Yes our Pets are Precious to us.

    Dagney-----Thank you for caring. We had her for 14 years, she is Family.

    babygirl-----Thank you. It is going to take time to get over her.

    Snakesin The Tower----- We are trying to find a Cat for Snickers, he is going to miss Carmel.

    Gram-----Thank You---We miss her.

    Snoozy-----Thank You---It is really hard.

    dinah-----Thank You for caring.

  • Robdar

    I never heard of a Cat living 28 years

    I hadn't either. I had heard of cats living to 22 years. A friend of mine just put down her cat and she was 21.

    You are not here to know how bad my Cat was. We tried more then one Vet.

    Barbie, I never meant for my posts to imply that I was judging you or that you were taking the situation lightly. If I offended you, I apologize. You have my condolences on the loss of your dear Carmel.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Thank You everybody for caring, we sure miss Carmel and so does Snickers.

    We are looking for a cat for Snickers.

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