Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    What's really fascinating from a psychological standpoint is how the libs on the board have started at least two threads regarding the death of an abortionist at the hands of a white Christian, yet not one has so much as mentioned the black Muslim that opened fire at an Army recruiting center, killed one, and wounded another on the same day as Tiller's demise.

    BTS "not one" has mentioned it? You're someone; if it is so important to you, start a thread. With that said, you make an interesting comparison.

    Why is the Muslim called a terrorist and the pro-lifer an activist? Why are there 15 counts of terrorism immediately leveled against the Muslim who did what he did for "religious and political" reasons and NOT the guy who, for political and religious reasons, killed a doctor?

  • Brocephus

    Sammieswife: I am certian that you are indeed certain of your stance. That was never in doubt.

  • beksbks
    Why is the Muslim called a terrorist and the pro-lifer an activist? Why are there 15 counts of terrorism immediately leveled against the Muslim who did what he did for "religious and political" reasons and NOT the guy who, for political and religious reasons, killed a doctor?

    Exactly what I was wondering JT.

    Why isn't this a federal case?

  • BurnTheShips
    BTS "not one" has mentioned it? You're someone; if it is so important to you, start a thread. With that said, you make an interesting comparison.

    Thanks, I am not in the mood to start a thread on this, but I am happy the comparison interests you. Here is an excerpt from a recent article on the double standard I noticed. It goes to the highest levels of government.

    When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone. These are the instantly ossifying narratives in the Sunday shooting death of Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller versus the Monday shootings of two Arkansas military recruiters.

    Tiller’s suspected murderer, Scott Roeder, was white, Christian, anti-government, and anti-abortion. The gunman in the military recruiting center attack, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, was black, a Muslim convert, anti-military, and anti-American. Both crimes are despicable, cowardly acts of domestic terrorism. But the disparate treatment of the two brutal cases by both the White House and the media is striking.

    President Obama issued a statement condemning “heinous acts of violence” within hours of Tiller’s death. The Justice Department issued its own statement and sent federal marshals to protect abortion clinics. News anchors and headline writers abandoned all qualms about labeling the gunman a terrorist. An almost gleeful excess of mainstream commentary poured forth on the climates of hate and fear created by conservative talk radio, blogs, and Fox News for reporting Tiller’s activities.

    By contrast, President Obama was silent about the military recruiter attacks that left 24-year-old Private William Long dead and 18-year-old Private Quinton Ezeagwula gravely wounded. On Tuesday afternoon – more than 24 hours after the attack on the military recruiting center in Little Rock – President Obama held a press conference to announce his pick for Army Secretary. It would have been exactly the right moment to express condolences for the families of the targeted Army recruiters and to condemn heinous acts of violence against our troops.

    But President Obama said nothing. The Justice Department was mum. And so were the legions of finger-pointing pundits happily convicting the pro-life movement and every right-leaning writer on the planet of contributing to the murder of George Tiller. Obama’s omission, it should be noted, comes just a few weeks after he failed to mention the Bronx jihadi plot tobomb synagogues and a National Guard airbase during his speech on homeland security.

    Why the silence? Politically and religiously-motivated violence, it seems, is only worth lamenting when it demonizes opponents. Which also helps explain why the phrase “lone shooter” is ubiquitous in media coverage of jihadi shooters gone wild – think convicted Jeep Jihadi Mohammed Taheri-Azar at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill or Israel-bashing gunman Naveed Haq who targeted a Seattle Jewish charity or Los Angeles International Airport shooter Hesham Hedayet who opened fire at the El Al Israeli airline ticket counter– but not in cases involving rare acts of anti-abortion violence.

    Even Jeffrey Goldberg of the left-leaning Atlantic magazine noticed the double standards. He called attention to a National Public Radio report on the military recruiter attack that failed to mention the religion and anti-military animus of the suspect. Wrote Goldberg: “Why not tell people what is actually happening in the world? We saw this a couple of weeks ago, when the press only gingerly acknowledged that the malevolent though incompetent suspects in the synagogue bombing-conspiracy case in New York were converts to Islam. How is the public served by this kind of silence? The extremist Christian beliefs of George Tiller’s alleged murderer are certainly relevant to that case, and no one in my profession is hesitant to discuss them. Why the hesitancy to talk about the motivations of the man who allegedly killed Pvt. William Long?”

    You won’t hear about the escalating war on military recruitment centers on the op-ed pages of the New York Times – from vandalism to obstruction to Molotov cocktail attacks on campus stations across the country; to the shutdown of a Pittsburgh military recruitment office by zealots holding signs that read “Recruiters are Child Predators;” to the prolonged harassment campaign against the Marine recruiting center in Berkeley, where Code Pink protesters called America soldiers assassins; to the bomb blast at the Times Square recruiting center last March.

  • beksbks


  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • BurnTheShips

    You don't think they were both despicable, cowardly acts of violence? Who knew? Maybe the Tiller murderer and the recruiter killer should be getting advice on how to handle the fallout from Bracko's good buddy William Ayers. They busted him too for trying to kill innocent people too, and he beat the rap!


  • beksbks

    ? Spike?

  • Yizuman

    Why is it that the liberal society attacks pro-lifers and not a Muslim who shot a recruiter for the military?

    The way I see it, the liberal society is completely backasswards.

    Let me draw a picture of how a liberal society works (especially HOW they want IT to be)

    Sex represents procreation and procreation represents life. So it's ok to kill an unborn child, but it's not ok to kill a fully grown adult. (especially when it comes to the death penalty.) Society goes nuts when there's a nipple slip with Janet Jackson during the Super Bowl halftime a few years ago. Nudity is considered a no-no.

    When a criminal commits a capital crime, liberals tries to protect that criminal from being put to death. Why is that? This criminal took a life that was not his (or hers) to take, even when the crime is so hideous. But it's still ok to reach inside the womb of the mother and tear the baby apart with surgical tools.

    Watch TV, we see thousands of murders being shown on TV every week and society is ok with it. We see shooting, lots of blood, decapitations all the time and society is ok with it.

    Shoot an abortionist and society goes completely apeshit.

    Why don't society go apeshit when a Muslim kills a recruiter or better yet, when some Muslim sets off a IED on a daily basis in Iraq, killing a soldier in the process. The liberal media goes "oh well!" and society shows no signs of an outrage. It's no big deal because a soldier who died was a fully grown adult.

    Try to stop an abortionist from killing a unborn baby by other means than killing them, like blocking access to the butcher mills, society goes into a complete rage and wants to strangle us.

    Bottom line is that society is so enamored and obsessed with blood and death and they like it that way.

    What a strange world we live in.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Why the silence? Politically and religiously-motivated violence, it seems, is only worth lamenting when it demonizes opponents

    Why is it that the liberal society attacks pro-lifers and not a Muslim who shot a recruiter for the military?

    I suspect the underlined portion answers your question; however, the article posted by BTS nicely outlines that it cuts across all party lines. Americans need to demonize Islamically motivated acts of violence and distinguish acts motivated by Christianity to maintain the illusion of difference and superiority. It allows us to reduce the Middle East issues to a singular problem called "religion." Singular problems usually have singular solutions. Change the religion; solve the problem.

    Acknowledging that religion has nothing to do with it, that it is a justification used by both religions to excuse bad behavior, leaves us the only option of dealing with the real problems...political problems, many of which are the natural progression of policies we implemented decades ago. Those are much more difficult problems to solve.

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