by Scott77 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    marking for later reference

  • reniaa

    lol these conspiracy threads are amusing the poster that talked of romans 13 is right

    Romans 13:6-7 (New International Version)

    6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

    Paul himself facing death appeals as a ROMAN CITIZEN for leniency and gets it.

    Was Rome the aquivalent of UN now? Yes did Paul use his UN oops rome membership for help even though he was now a christian?

    Did he obviously view rome as a ruling power yes that could be appealed to for help? yes

    This whole UN rubbish by apostates is a made-up wrongdoing they have dug up very minor issues of Jws appealing to UN for help to further preaching, get aid to needy brothers and try and make it wrong when clearly Paul himslef sets the precident for this.

    They are not the mormons who are heavily involed in Politics seeking power on earth Now

    Or Catholics who Rule Countries still making the authorites under them rather than only giving 'caesars things back to caesar'.

    Or my local Church of England whose spiritual and actual leader is the Queen of my country

    Come back to me when you can show them actively trying to gain power like the other religions I mentioned

    And then I see you all making numerous threads about voting and getting involved with Politics now you no longer are witnesses /bahhh.

    If a person has lost there faith Over this then they had no root anyway and certainly didn't know there bible that well espeially in regards to Paul beng a roman citizen and appealing to rome as abiblical fact.


  • cameo-d

    My question is...if you follow the chain of command....who do these NGO's answer to?

    Who holds the directing power over the NGO's?

    Could it be....the Vatican?


    Whatever the amount of involvement with the U.N. they are guilty of fraternising with God’s enemy, (he that is faithful in least).

    They disprove their credentials by their actions;

    Eph.5 27…that he (Jesus) might present the congregation to himself in it’s splendour not having a spot or a wrinkle, or of any such things, but that it should be holy and without blemish.

    It is impossible and too late for them to do this.


  • reniaa

    I see and Paul was a hypocrite too for dealing with Romans hmmm yes indeed!!!!

    like I said no root!


    Reinaa - I could not believe the societies involvement with the OSCE - I wanted to believe they are not but the facts are obvious that they are involved with an organization who's mandate includes issues such as arms control, human rights, freedom of the press, and fair elections.

    Other witnesses who I have shared this with (after initially questioning me about this possibly being apostate propaganda and since investigating the matter further via the OSCE website) have expressed to me their disappointment about this involvement.

    Justitia Themis summed up the issue here, namely:

    In addition to my prior comment, what makes their association so damning is their reasoning on why JWs can not join the YMCA. Despite the good work that it does, the QFR specifically states that IF you join an organization, you are supporting ALL their agenda, not just part.

    Therefore, if the WTBTS joins the OSCE, then, according to their reasoning, they too are supporting ALL its goals, including in political and militaristic goals.

    So, I cannot see how your argument using the example of Paul addresses the issue at hand - the problem of the WTS hypocritical duplicity here!

  • reniaa

    It has been shown already by others on here that Jws are not a Member of the UN but do appeal for and info all in line with getting the preaching work done, Although Paul himself was a Roman citizen.

    Would membership of YMCA be a personal inclination or something directly to facilitate God's people and work?

    Your right there is a fine line with dealing with an authority and tacitly getting involved with furthering the ambitions of that authority.

    I have seen your so called conspiracy stuff and none of it shows more then the necessity of having to deal with UN as they do other authorities. UN themselves only recognise JWs as a religion they have among the people and not as a Member. You nitpick with Jws and yet are not bothered with christendom making itself Caesar with active political ambitions. Come back to me when you've stopped swallowing camels.


  • cameo-d

    Reniaa: "the necessity of having to deal with UN as they do other authorities."

    It was not a necessity. The WT signed on voluntarily, agreeing to uphold the dictates of the UN. (per contract requirement)


    You are not addressing the OSCE issue here Reinaa...

    Do you feel its right for the WTS to be involved with the OSCE when an ordinary witness is subject to disfellowshipping for joining the YMCA to use a gym, sauna or pool?

    I know they are not perfect and chrisendom has much more to answer for but as a witness for many years telling others we were different this involvement is disappointing to me and other witnesses.

    Dont you think there's a double standard here at the very least?

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Its called two faced hypocrisy to join into these government organizations, plain and simple,

    to sign up is going against their own self devised doctrine of separating oneself from any worldly government organization. UN or any other !

    Do you know what the word hypocrisy means Reniaa ?

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