who is going to the convention this year?

by drew sagan 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    The recent threads by pistoff got me thinking that some youtube vids of the hard line positions being taught from the platform would be pretty cool. If you're already going, why not get us some documentation

    Of course it might already be up on http://www.jwproclaimers.org/ for all I know.

    It's a shame you don't know what conventions the GB is going to show up at because it really would be good to get those guys on tape no matter what.

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    I'd like to encourage anyone who attends to record the convention - particularly any part that discusses matters of science, Armageddon, or disfellowshipping. I know some might be nervous to pull out a tripod and a video camera, but even if you can just get an audio recording (discreetly recording the audio while your camcorder is covertly hidden in your purse???), that would be great. If you lack the means/know-how to upload the talks onto the web, I can post the talks on my site (www.watchtowerletters.com) and/or create short videos of the "highlights" to put on YouTube.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Some conventions also broadcast the audio signal through low am/fm frequencies so recording should be pretty simple.

  • AuntBee

    I will be attending here in Tucson. A researcher asked me to tape it for him, but i had never thought about video cam in big purse. ! I was about to pick up a micro recorder. I might even transcribe the talks, as i love to type. -- What would be the reaction if someone started video taping, especially someone without a name tag? um, just curious.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    I have a few thoughts

    1. It should be easy for you to get a name tag. Post a topic on this forum asking for somebody to scan in a copy of theirs and you can print one out

    2. I've seen may people video tape the conventions before. Just find a nice place to sit where the videocamera is out of the way, put it on a tripod and go to town. Nobody is going to ask any questions and if they do...

    3. Just write on your name tag that you are from a congregation far far away (or ditch the nametag and just say you are on vacation!). Anyway, I'm sure nobody is going to take notice of you as long as you dress to fit in.

    Some other tips: Turn the tape recorder on and off after each talk and don't record the songs. A mini recorder is great because it will create a separate audio file for each clip you take, that way you don't have to worry about breaking them all up into individual files. If the convention is being broadcast on an am/fm reciever all you would need to do is turn on a small radio and use a 1/8" audio cable to connect the radio output (headphone jack) into your digital recorder (microphone jack). That should provide a perfectly clear recording (just make sure you set the volume levels at a good setting, not to loud not to soft). Bring lots of extra batteries ;)

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    All good suggestions.

    And let me just add --

    The audio quality on most camcorders is superior to those tiny cassette players. The tapes usually last longer, too. A tripod might be a bit "showy", but if you sit up in the bleachers, in the back row, you can spread out a little and no one will notice.

    Having the audio file split up for each talk is nice, but don't worry about it. I recorded a symposium last month as one big file, then just split it up when I imported it into Final Cut. iMovie offers the same feature.

    Also, make sure your batteries are charged - an attendant will come up an ask you to unplug something if you have it plugged in.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I am, but first I'm going to get a full frontal lobotomy beforehand so I

    can comprehend everything smoothly and clearly.

    Every District Convention is just a revision of last years transcribed bullshit mostly to support a new piece of literature created by the publishing house

    called the WTS. It all was started by C.T. Russell when he rented a hall to give a talk to only after his speech sell his literature and to see

    if anyone would like to buy and sell his publishings........as evidence it obviously worked even to this day, a true genius of a salesman.

  • AuntBee

    THanks for the tips! I"ll get back to you that are interested in the recordings. I just found out a friend has a high quality digital recorder i can use.

  • BonaFide

    Yes, I will be there. I usually go in three languages, English, Spanish, and Sign Language. But this year I will tone it down a little, maybe two days of each.

    Last year I was in a lot of mental stress, this year I think the talks might even be amusing.

    Well worth my time, to keep my family and friends.


  • BonaFide

    Yes, I will be there. I usually go in three languages, English, Spanish, and Sign Language. But this year I will tone it down a little, maybe two days of each.

    Last year I was in a lot of mental stress, this year I think the talks might even be amusing.

    Well worth my time, to keep my family and friends.


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