Confused and betrayed

by gimley 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gimley

    Hi all on this forum.

    I am very confused and lost and annoyed.

    I was a JW for 28 years and then left not really believing and not really sure if there was a good or not, there was just to much hypocrisy in the KH and within the society.

    Dont be materalistic yet some pioneers seem to be able to have three cars and go on three holidays a year and somehow still make there hours.

    The other point that really annoyed me was that my sister was treated like a criminal when she was dissfellowshipped which she was forced into, a elder would not stop coming to see her to convince her to come even if it was just for my parents, he said the only way this would stop is if she was to dissfellowship herself, now she was single living alone and saw no other choice but to do this.

    So she was ignored and when she moved back to the scotland to get help with a wee one she had she did get help from my folks untill a elder reported them to the CO and they had to stop. Now she was getting married so is no longer going to live in sin and my folks refused to go to the wedding as they would lose there position in the KH - despite that they decided to park outside the hotel so they could see my sister and kids go into the hotel and see them in there outfits, it is just wrong my sister was so hurt by this and her husband my best mate was so angry. This cant be right?

    Due to all that has happend over the year i dont know if i believe in god now,i would love to but i dont know how and whom do i trust.

    Thanks for reading my post

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Hope you work things out....the "truth" makes things very complex in the family and has caused us all huge problems!

  • mindmelda

    I'm glad your parents decided to support their daughter for a while, at least.

    It's sad that they stopped not because they felt it was wrong, but because they got bullied into it by the elders.

    There's no reason for families to be broken up this way by this organization. Your sister needs your love and help now that she has a child more than ever.

    The hypocrisy of some Witnesses is really a problem for me, too. I got very tired of it over the years. Being "materialistic" became a favorite thing to accuse someone of in my old congregation when you were jealous of their new stuff! The PO of my old congregation was a self made millionaire, though. So, it became okay to be well off there. You were more apt to be criticized for NOT making good money in that congregation. No consistancy at all about these things, I've noticed.

    My parents were horribly criticized for helping my then DF'd brother after he had a nearly fatal motorcycle accident. He couldn't walk for a year during 22 surgeries to reconstruct his legs and arms.

    But, my parents ignored the elders and helped my brother anyway. They were doing nothing wrong and finally the criticism let up. The got looked down on, but nothing was done to them.

    They still think of themselves as JWs but they do not really participate much now. I think that they're more soured on it than they would admit.

    Someday, I hope my family sees this organization for what it is, but it's hard for people to get away from it...I know, it's still hard for me at times. Once you step outside of it, the craziness, manipulation and just plain dishonesty of it becomes so obvious though.

  • Marjorie

    Oh Gimley, I'm sorry for your pain. At least your sister can count on you, thank goodness.

    Witnesses give love and God a bad name. The Pharisees of Jesus' day have nothing on them.

    Once you are free from their thought control, you'll be able to make up your own mind about things. Give it time.

  • mouthy

    Gimley! Thanks for posting. I understand where your coming from
    Confusion is one thing the Wt wants us to feel,after they have messed
    with our minds. Which most of us allowed.
    Your sister was "abused" by a false prophet.(Deut18:20-22)
    I was in a tortured state when they kicked me out because
    I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914..But as you said
    you ( & I) dont ( didnt) know what to believe,,
    I was two years out in the "world"in that state.
    Then I met two EX JWS who took me to a Convention
    where about 300 EX Witnesses were.It was so wonderful
    met others who had left false teachings..
    They (most of them) introduced me to INDEPENDENT THINKING!!!!I was then able to read what I like & I did... I read Crises Of Conscience
    it helped me see I was not alone, As you are not alone.
    But as I am in the habit of saying "Dont throw the baby out with the DIRTY bathwater"
    The water the WT gives us to drink is dirty,But the water the Holy Spirit
    gives( only if we ask) is refreshing...( IN MY OPINION) God bless sorry for the long post

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Some have accepted an explanation for their confusion from a scripture at Romans 3:4: "But let God be found true, though every man be found a liar."(NWT) For me, it is corrupt people who cloud the issues.

  • homeschool

    Mouthy, you seem like such a lovely lady ...totally fiesty and yet so caring. many of us can relate and I am very sorry you're going through this right now. Try not to be too angry with your parents....their minds are controlled. Hopefully they will see that one day. Your sister is lucky to have YOU.

  • gimley

    Thanks for all the comments, i hope one day i will be able to pray to god - if he is there, and understand what he wants - if he is there.

    Thanks again

  • diamondiiz

    Sorry to hear about your experience but it's common situation with those who followed WTS and step back and re-examine their lives. WTS is probably one of the biggest religious organizations who contribute to people loosing faith in God when they find out facts about so called God's organization. Healing takes a long time to get over the bullshit that came down from governing body and affected people's thinking. Now that you can see beyond Brooklyn leadership you should start healing but it will take a while and try not to get too depressed. View it as freedom from oppression and help your sister and try to hel p your family see the wrongs. They may not be ready for truth about WT so you may just have to very carefully bring up facts about WTS so that these may open up their eyes and heart to rality.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Welcome to the forum, gimley. Confusion is normal at this point. Keep reading and posting.

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