Friday DC Releases

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    @Isaac: can you give us a synopsis of the new video? From the title, it sounds like an anti-evolution film. Is that the theme?

  • passwordprotected

    I'm serious, expect much singing about edification from the Governing Body and how they're counted worthy to be;

    • given (lots) of honour
    • respected
    • praised
    • thanked
    • blessed
    • followed
    • obeyed

    They might manage to stop short of suggesting the Governing Body should be worshiped, but it's just a case of joining the dots.

    Do you think the lyrics will have weird back-tracking? You read groups of words in the new song book backwards it spells out things like "Decide to regular pioneer" or, "Oh Governing Body, my sweet lord Governing Body?"

  • MissingLink
    For years I waited at each convention for the announcement of a new songbook! And now that I'm gone, they get it...

    You could always go back. It is pretty tempting.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    What's the betting that they've got rid of the song with that immortal line about the bees being molested????

    That's my favourite, the line after too says "I will beat them off", euphemism overload!

    There is one about 'mong men' too which I also found to be a source of amusement.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Oh pleeeeease let this one be in there pleeeeeease????

    YouTube - Beelz (My Name is Satan)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The old songbook should have been replaced a decade ago. A replacement was proposed and shelved several times. It would be postponed because conflict between various departments would be likely and other projects were considered more important. Besides designing and printing a new songbook, it would also require new music recordings and translation. It was only announced at this DC, the printed copies will be later. Supposed to be fewer songs, some new. A couple of the new ones are particularly for weddings... yeah, like that will reduce the JW divorce rate and produce happier marriages.

    I hope they retain this classic line from #165 Praise Jah With Me!: "Our calls for succor he quickly will hear." And who could forget from #125 Jehovah Is on My Side: "Around me swarms the Devil’s crowd Like bees that were molested. But I can ever beat them off Beneath divine protection." It was almost as if apostates had somehow slipped pornographic inuendo into the Kingdom songbook. Karl Klein perhaps?

    I haven't seen the video. I'd assume it is a reworking of a collection of PBS shows with the references to evolution replaced with Watchtower Corporation Creative Day Technology Terminology (tm) . And they'll probably throw in some "modern drama" showing how an evolutionist accepts da troof because of "God's Creation". I wonder if they'll even touch on how all the wonderous animal world was able to fit on a tiny ark at the time of the global Noachian flood.

    B the X

  • truthsetsonefree

    That sounds like a fluff DVD. About eight or so years ago I went to the dedication of the barbados branch addition. On the program there was a lot of excitement over the 'new policy' that allowed JW's more freedom to talk more about matters of science in their conversations as it related to glorifying Jah and his creation. I thought that sounded kind of silly, petty and controlling. I mean really JW's had been doing that for years. Anyway this DVD sounds like the product of that 'policy change'. It's definitely a deviation from their usual release material. This sounds more like what they'd put in an Awake article. It does also seem like a waste of time. I mean any Discovery, NatGeo, or Animal Planet is much more informative than a WT DVD could ever hope to be.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Here is the key for the new song book...Will there be a stirring march or the same put you into hypnotic trance songs. If they dont have something lively and stirring I will be thourouly (sp) convinced the society use hypnosis.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Oh also on songbooks...whio remembers the green one that came before the pink.

  • Heaven

    Around me swarms the Devil’s crowd Like bees that were molested.

    Wow... I'm surprised they'd use the word 'molested' considering their pedophile problem. I suggest they change that.

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