Unconfirmed Issues at WT HQ and Chicago

by yadda yadda 2 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Saw this on the Paradise Cafe forum. Anyone know if there is any substance to these rumours?:

    Unconfirmed Issues at WT HQ and Chicago

    I received some information second / third hand and purported to be from reliable sources - that I am trying if possible to confirm. If anyone has any reliable contacts they can tap for confirmation of the below information, please post whatever findings etc. and or PM me with whatever info - and if possible contact information etc. of anyone that may have first hand information - and I will do the checks myself. I would keep the contact info confidential. Thanks.

    The person I received this info from is a straight-up JW friend of mine, “Source1”, that told me the following info in a recent conversation.

    1. Alleged issues at the WT writing department
    (this info per Source2: “a current JW elder ” and personal friend of Source1)
    Per Source2’s connection with a personal friend now serving at WT HQ, the WT writing department has recently “dismissed” a number of staff writers because of apparent issues/ problems with their “views”. If this can be verified as true, I would like to know how many, when this happened, any specific reasons given, names and contact info of anyone with direct knowledge if possible. I would keep the names etc confidential.

    2. Alleged issues in a number of Chicago, Illinois USA congregations of JWs
    (this info per Source3: “a current member of WT HQ” and personal friend of Source1)
    Per Source3’s discussion with Source1, the Chicago area is undergoing rebellion by a number of congregation elder bodies that refuse to comply with certain WT HQ directives. If this can be verified as true, I would like to know how many congregations are involved, what the issues are, when this happened, names and contact info of anyone with direct knowledge if possible. I would keep the names etc confidential.

    Note: I am seeking only to confirm the above and have no interest in rumor mongering or slamming persons or the WT Org. Please don’t shoot me for looking into these claims.


    v r

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Note: I am seeking only to confirm the above and have no interest in rumor mongering or slamming persons or the WT Org. Please don’t shoot me for looking into these claims.

    Well THATS no fun :)

  • cognac

    Well THATS no fun :)

    ITA - let the rumors begin! lol

  • out4good3

    Hasn't this been posted here before?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Yes, this was posted here recenty and if I recall correctly didn't get much response.

    It will be interesting to see if anyone can cast any light on it.

  • blondie

    I have known several BOEs that did not comply with the WTS directives. It depends on the directives and the status of the elders in the congregation. There is always some give and take with the CO, DO, and headquarters and the local "brothers." I have seen COs go through though and remove as many as 15 elders in a circuit to clear up the logjam. Seen it over and over the last 40 years.


  • AllTimeJeff

    There have been weird articles on occasion lately, esp the Amazing Awake of July 09. Who knows.....

  • passwordprotected

    @ Jeff - "There have been weird articles on occasion lately, esp the Amazing Awake of July 09. Who knows....."

    Yep, that one and another last summer about reading the Bible with an open mind (which was exactly what I was doing at the time and it was leading me to apostasy..)

    I agree; I think there has been someone or persons in the Writing Dept who have been putting some wee gems out there.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    pp, I'll have to refer you back to this thread:

    1. Bethel in NY suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
  • OnTheWayOut

    I have no idea of what's happening in either case.
    I can say that many years ago, before I moved to a foreign-language cong., I was in an English cong. in Chicago and there was a major effort to move all the various congregations around because of Hall crowding. I am confident that the crowding is not really worse now. Anyway, what I did see was that the RBC recommended all kinds of things and the bodies of elders did not cooperate in the least.

    Pure speculation, I could imagine them being asked to "consolidate" in some way and not cooperating.

    Otherwise, I am out of the congregations loop and haven't heard anything in Chicago.

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