The "swagger" of the Organization is gone - or is it my imagination?

by BonaFide 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Hmmmmmm....... Well, I don't understand that type of person. It's beyond me how they operate. Unless you mean that they are just there for the structure and the rules of how to live their lives. In that case, I think the WBTS insistence on no education or any ambition to get better jobs or just better your mind produces this apathy. They are killing themselves.

    But for any JW that has an ounce of brain cells left, I'll bet they are on the internet a lot just like most people are.

    I think its a combination of the 2 type people that are bringing down the WBTS.

  • restrangled

    Mary, that was so spot on. Do you remember when the Aid Book came out? The JW version of a college education. People could not get enough of it....until it was rumored several years later that Ray Franz had been one of the authors.

    It is the only book I know of that was actively tossed by JWs.


  • steve2
    But for any JW that has an ounce of brain cells left, I'll bet they are on the internet a lot just like most people are.

    That's the crucial variable: Having enough active brain cells to care enough about what is happening in the organization! Otherwise, it's snooze time for most of them.

  • Scott77

    Sorry to you all, these threads are so informative and insightful. Its time for me to hit the bed. Time is 3:41am. Been here for longer hours reading many many posts. Good night everyone.


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