401k Accounts Frozen!

by sammielee24 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on
    I'm buying Toyota's and Honda's from now on. They're better products, they're made in America, and they're not standing around expecting the government to save them from their own failure.
    They will put their hand out, too, if they need to. THE CAN OF WORMS HAS BEEN OPENED and there's no putting them back in. A precedent has been set.
  • BurnTheShips
    I'm buying Toyota's and Honda's from now on. They're better products, they're made in America, and they're not standing around expecting the government to save them from their own failure.

    It hurts to say it doesn't it? But here is the thing that you notice-they are made here in a America, so the labor is here. Now as for American makes, Fords are great, and they are still carrying their own water and not sucking up our money. I am about fed up with my 2001 Volkswagen. I have put way to much money into it lately. I need to replace it.

    BTW JO, the handouts come with leashes. That is making people step back.


  • jeeprube


    Now Chrysler doesn't even have to pay back the government loans that the American taxpayer forked out.

    That's it, where's my damn tea bags? I'm starting to drift to the edge of the Obama bandwagon.

  • BurnTheShips
    Now Chrysler doesn't even have to pay back the government loans that the American taxpayer forked out.

    Craaaazy. They should have just let Chrysler go bankrupt and reorganize. Really. Another company could have bought them on the cheap. Heck, they were owned by Daimler until recently.


  • journey-on
    handouts come with leashes

    Exactly, Burn! And if you decide you want off the leash or just a little slack in it, guess what?! You are now tethered till hell freezes over. You will pay back the tax payers when the government tells you you can! No sooner. The control feels to-o-o- good.

    Ford got it right. They knew what was going to happen.

  • B_Deserter

    That's why I pulled all my money out of the bank and stuffed it in my mattress next to my guns!

    If you need the guns in your mattress, chances are the money you have is worthless anyway. It'd probably be best if you spent that money on more guns.

  • Priest73


    Are you wearing a feather boa in your Avatar?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Doesn't matter to me. I don't have any money anyway, so I can't lose what I don't have!

  • cameo-d


    Are you wearing a feather boa in your Avatar?

    Priest 73...always on the prowl.

  • Priest73

    your point?

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