Comments from today's meeting -- Following the Lamb!

by Ultimate Reality 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    I went today because I wanted to hear the comments on this WT article.

    It did not disappoint. One comment that summed things up:

    "I know I can trust the slave because everything I have ever read from the slave has been for my benefit. I can always trust what the slave says, because I know that Jehovah and Jesus are behind the slave class."

    How about your congregation?

  • Tea drinker
    Tea drinker

    Oh yes there were a few howlers!

    One sister said that "we don't question Moses so why should we question the faithful slave." I nearly fell off my seat. Moses did not make any false predictions unlike the false prophecies of the Wt.

    I was also amused and irritated at the nerve of paragraph 12: "the faithful slave is also discreet in that it neither acts immodestly, running ahead of Jehovah, nor lags behind." I thought "1975 anyone?"

    One brother also said that we should always listen to the slave because the direction is coming directly from Jehovah. Unblievable

    I usually hate going to the meetings but I was actually looking forward to it today because I knew it would be entertaining. I honestly could not stop chuckling to myself and tried my best to wipe the recurring grin from my face.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Unbelievable WT study. I initially didn't want to attend but after studying the article with my husband (WT comments style ) I decided we should go.

    I understand Blondie is going to be posting comments.

  • Kosonen

    I went there too and how they gloryfied the slave. An elder mentioned how loving the slave is when they skiped one meeting. It seems that nobody dares to say what the slave was while requiring meeting-attendance 3 times a week. But an other former elder nicely questioned what it means that the bookstudy was skiped, because all the years it was said that the bookstudy will be important when the end comes. But he added that we will undestand it later.

  • blondie
  • The Berean
    The Berean

    " May a stranger, and not your own mouth praise you, may a foreigner, and not your own lips, do so.

    Proverbs 27:2 NWT

    Lot of horn blowing going on in KHs. Could there be some doubt???

  • gubberningbody

    That study article was the final bit of shit they tossed down on us shrooms that made me want to climb out of the hallucinogenic vat.

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    paragraph 12: "the faithful slave is also discreet in that it neither acts immodestly, running ahead of Jehovah, nor lags behind."

    HAHA. This is them saying they never err. It would be great to quote this and then show other quotes about waiting on Jehovah to change things within the organization.

  • wannaexit

    GAAAWd, it was hard to gag the rag study today. I felt a little vomit coming up my mouth several times. I tried very hard to tune out.

  • WTWizard

    Never running ahead? How many times has the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger urged people to sell out for the end, only to have the date and time come and go with nothing happening? And they slyly change the definition of a "generation" just as people figure out that the end should be imminent, buying more time.

    Running ahead?

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