Does Psychiatry Truely understand JW Post Traumatic Stress Disorders?

by The Berean 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    The professionals I have visited don't seem to get it. They believe you can just get over it and move on ...

    What Say You?

  • oompa

    I have found one that does get it.......she employeed a dub....and has counselded many........and knows that loss of faith......or even changing it.....can cause huge trauma.....worse than divorce even........oompa

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think they don't "get it" if they don't realize the damage a cult does to a person. But then they have to recognize JWs as a cult first, second how hard ot is to get out and third what it means to stop being one over the long run.

    You might actually have better success finding a psychologist or social worker that would understand it better.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Few do. Steve Hassan discusses this. Therapists need to have some training in this area. Otherwise it can be very frustrating seeing them. They can easily misdiagnose. I'm sure there are exceptions such as in Oompa's case.


  • gubberningbody

    I think the question is poorly phrased. (No disrespect intended) "Psychiatry" is not an individual such that it can understand anything. Is there research done on people who have been brainwashed? Yes. You can look up on under the advnced search option any number of articles examining various aspects of these situations. Is being "brain-washed" necessarily the same as suffering from PSTD? No. Not exactly. PSTD deals with issues which are more episodic in nature and the life of a JW isn't exactly an "episode", though some may have suffered some or more than one "episode" as a JW which would count and qualify as part of the experience which could be dealt with via PSTD treatment options. Propranolol is being tested at the moment w/regard to those who have experienced certain stressful events so the emotional content is blunted, though it's not routinely in use at the moment. Too, we have to remember that therapists are not machined at factories. You can't just go to a therapist or a psychologist or a psychiatrist in the same manner that you might go to a JiffyLube. I wish it were that easy, but it's not. I suspect that perhaps regular massages, eating right, getting plenty of sleep and journaling could serve as various tools to enable one to "move on" as it were.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    gubberning body:

    That was a yes or no question. Your answer was not helpful. You tossed the burden back on me as if ,first, I never should have asked the question and, then, that I lack understanding. I experienced that approach in the congregation for fifty years!

    With disrespect!

  • villabolo

    gubberningbody, Propanolol, in my understanding, is effective against PTSD if it is taken within hours or a few days of the trauma. Once the trauma sets in the brain it becomes much less effective.

    The Berean, I've seen one therapist that somewhat understands and I've had one psychiatrist that categorized me as psychotic simply because I explained to him how the witnesses treated me.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Therapy is a bit like dating. If you don't connect with someone, then move on.

    Back in the day, I went through 8-10 therapists (I really don't remember now how many). Most were absolute quacks. One told me the cure for major depression with suicidal ideation was to blow bubbles in the park. I'm serious.

    If the person you're seeing doesn't "get it" then move on and find someone who does. PTSD is very serious and it requires guidance from someone who is trained in treating the disorder. Not everyone is.

    Hang in there.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I suppose it is possible to be more condescending and ignorant in a reply, but one would have to work very hard to match your post. You strike me as the sort of person who would propose solving world hunger by suggesting everyone eat out. Preferably at a good Chinese restaurant.

    You lack not only understanding of PTSD, but any sort of empathy. Next time, best to say nothing.


  • loosie

    I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was still in. I was hearing noises that everyone else said wasn't there...but I don't hear them anymore.

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