Is it possible that the WT society will soon collapse like a house of cards?

by BonaFide 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Until 9 mounts ago

    Who have you been mounting?

  • BonaFide

    Some have said people don't know or care about the Witnesses. That's true, unless there is a scandal. Like huge settlements or thousands leaving. People love scandals, and I think that if a few thousand or more left, that would be on the news. Then thousands more would leave. The scandal would beget more leaving.


  • sir82
    unless there is a scandal. Like huge settlements

    Yeah, huge settlements. The settlements from 2-3 years ago were a few million, as I recall somewhere between 10-20 million. Pretty significant, but nowhere near Catholic-sized numbers. It made the news for a day or 2 then was forgotten about.

    There are similar-sized settlements weekly, probably, counting non-religious litigation. A one-time settlement is a minor blip on the radar screen, soon erased by fascination over the Octomom or another photo of Britney's nether regions.

    or thousands leaving.

    Dude, 10's, if not 100's of thousands leave every year. Every year for the past decade 300,000 or so are baptized but the total count goes up by maybe only 100,000 or 120,000. People leave religions all the time. The Catholics lose members, the Baptists, the Mormons, everybody. A religion losing members is in the "dog bites man" news category.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but stuff which seems enormous to us who have a vested interest in JWs is just miniscule and irrelevant to the 99.9% of the world's population who don't know JWs from Cro-Magnons.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It will if there is ANY justice in this old world.

  • yknot

    Hold up now....

    While I think the WTS will not survive this century if it continues to operate as it has in the past and as it is currently (slow death)..... corporations sole purposes are first to survive.

    I guarantee you even I could save the WTS should they be willing to implement the needed changes to stay relevent.

    So for me the bigger question is if the people running the show want to go out with money in their pockets or is the power trip the biggest draw?

  • GromitSK

    Surely we are not prophesying are we? LOL


    Not likely.........There are a lot "in" that will tell you.."Even if it`s not the truth I`m staying"..........Others say "where else would we go?".................The Istitutonalised JW`s will never Leave!.....Ever!...............The WBT$ won`t be falling any time soon....................................OUTLAW

  • BonaFide

    So Outlaw, since a lot of Witnesses I know "admire personalities," brothers such as Charles Sinutko, J.R. Brown, District Overseers, some Circuit Overseers, what is some of THEM left the Organization? AND they told people why? Couldn't that make a lot of bro's follow in their footsteps, especially if they sent out some emails with their comments or reasons?

    Would be great, I think. Unlikely? Maybe



    Bonafide..Your right some would follow some of the more Charismatic personalities....But ..They would be very few..........Not every one knows J.R.Brown personally Or Charles Sinutko..They are simply names to most JW`s..If the WBT$ marks them as apostates ..They`re reputation is over in Watchtower World.....They will be less than Nobody`s..........Look what happened to Ray Franz..There was no Mass Exodas when he left..........................You must Remember,many JW`s really are institutionalised..They are too old,or mentally incompetant to start over..There is no place for them to go.....For them.."Where else would we go?"..Is absolutely true in thier case........Those people will die in that Cult.....And..There`s nothing anyone can do about it.................................................OUTLAW

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I think chances are good the WT will be around for a long time. The question is, in what form? It is facing attack on several fronts right now. More likely will follow. Over time that will change the nature of the organization and how it operates.

    Many factors play into the situation, including the internet, ex-members and their activities, governments taking action against abuses they see, economic factors, and changes in the publishing business, to name a few. Just like Rome didn't fall in a day or for a single reason, the WT won't either. IMO they are too big, too wealthy, and have been aroung too long to disappear any time soon.

    That doesn't bother me though. In fact it may be for the best because many followers won't be in a position to cope successfully with the demise of the WT, and those people have been hurt too much by them already anyway. I don't want to see a bunch of suicides of people who can't face the truth about "the truth".

    The WT's existence is not a problem for me. The damage they do to their followers and the greater world community is. That is what needs to change as far as I'm concerned. Over time, that can and hopefully will happen.

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